Thursday 21 November 2013

Which one book benefited you the most and how?

Which one book benefited you the most and how?

           The book that has benefited me the most in my life was “A Child Called It” by Dave Pelzer. 
What is it about? A harrowing, yet inspiring true story of a young boy's abusive childhood, from internationally bestselling author Dave Pelzer. Dave Pelzer was brutally beaten and starved by his emotionally unstable, alcoholic mother, a mother who played tortuous, unpredictable games - games that left one of her three sons nearly dead. She no longer considered Dave a son, but a slave; no longer a boy, but an 'it'. His bed was an old army cot in the basement, his clothes were torn and smelly, and when he was allowed the luxury of food it was scraps from the dog's bowl. The outside world knew nothing of the nightmare played out behind closed doors. But throughout Dave kept alive dreams of finding a family to love him. This book covers the early years of his life and is an affecting an inspirational book of the horrors of child abuse and the steadfast determination of one child to survive. (Google Books)

I read this book in middle school and I still remember it perfectly. This book really impacted the way I look at abuse and so many other things. When I first looked at this book in middle school I thought it the title was quite interesting and different, but the cover looked soft of boring, so I asked my teacher if it was a good book. She said it was one of the best books she has ever read. Personally it was by far one of the best books I have read. This is the only book I have ever read in my entire life, which has made me cry. Or well tear up. It was such a touching book. I was so moved by this book. The author Dave Pelzer made the book so .. what’s the word.. not relatable but relatable at the same time. The author made this book so moving in a way where I never thought I could feel that way about a book. Now every time I look at a child, I hope they’re being loved. Not beaten and told to lie, then beaten some more. This book was gosh. It was absolutely terrifyingly horrible to read. But I couldn’t put it down. I remember I had the book with me when we had a party at a beach once, and while everyone was doing something, I just sat in a beach chair and read that book. The author did such a fantastic way of writing it. I hate to say it was an amazing book, because the events that happen in that book are just to me horrible. Undoable, this book has impacted my life. This book has made me realize how lucky I was and am to have such loving parents and friends. It taught me to try to reach out to people, try to help people. It is so horrible to think that things like that happen everyday around the world to people, kids, children. Its gut wrenching to me. I would never be able to hit a child, or anyone like that. Just for no purpose, just it’s so wrong. Even to do it with purpose. But I will never do this to my child. And I will absolutely make sure that no one does that to my child. If I ever see someone doing that, hitting their child, I would snap. I do not know how can one can simply inflict that type of pain on someone and not feel absolutely horrible. But to do it multiple times? I just don’t understand people who do that. There is no excuse to hit your child, or anyone else’s.

Wednesday 20 November 2013

A person’s look or clothing is more important than having good ideas to succeed. Do you agree or disagree?

A person’s look or clothing is more important than having good ideas to succeed. Do you agree or disagree?

Personally I disagree with this statement. I do not agree that a person’s look can make you succeed more than good ideas. Yeah I suppose society is corrupt and that some people may pick looks over brains, but in the long run someone with brain instead of looks will succeed. Why? Because someone’s looks change quickly and if they become ugly then they are super not useful. So brains is more important because its lasts a lot longer than looks do.
            A good appearance is of course an essential thing if you want to be looked at highly, I guess it’s just the way society has always worked. If you’re good at what you do, you’ll make a lot of money or some money, then that’s I guess when you decide to spend money on useless fashion. But that simply means that you need brains before looks. I believe if you’re good looking then I guess you could actually get quite far in life. For example modeling, but if you want to be an engineer, or a scientist, or work at a law firm or something like that, looks don’t matter. And having good ideas always gets you father. If someone believed that their looks could get them farther in life than having good ideas, I don’t know… I think that’s ridiculous to believe something like that.
            Looks I guess help you in high school and things where you strive to be popular amongst your peers, but in the “real world” where you go to work every morning, they don’t pay you because your pretty or good looking, they pay you for your ideas. Some slim balls hire the prettiest girl to help them, but most firms and other work places you get a promotion from giving your boss a really good idea, which is succeeding. And if you have no good ideas, but you have looks they might keep you around for a while but not very long.

            Having good clothing will probably get you far in the fashion industry, but to be completely honest, they look for good ideas about fashion to spread around the world, not to see if your pretty and can dress yourself. They want and pretty much every single place you will go in your life will prefer good ideas over someone’s looks or clothing. And if you are picked for your clothing or looks, you won’t last long. That is my opinion and experience on the subject.

Tuesday 19 November 2013

What are the three qualities of true friends?

We all have friends. Some that are simply just those friends you say hi to in the hallways. We also have those friends you use to be so close with, but then they either moved away or you lost contact with so now you barely talk to one another. There are also those kind of friends you always invite over for sleepovers, and you go out with all the time, and you tell all your secrets and things too. But not all of those friends are your actual friends, some may secretly hate you, spread rumors about you, and/ or share your secrets.
Personally I do not trust anyone. Why you might ask? Well you can never tell when someone is a true friend, or if they’re just pretending to be. In my opinion true friends must have these qualities: Honesty, Loyalty, and Trust. So far not many people have showed those qualities. Of course I have a few friends who do, but I won’t name them. Honestly I tell my friends some things, but I know that whatever I may tell them might be spread. Of course I trust them enough not to, but I am not dumb enough either to believe that one of my friends wont ever share a secret of mine. I have trouble trusting people. That is why I think that honesty, loyalty, and trustworthiness are the most valuable things in a friendship. I value each and every one of my friendships. But personally I don’t know if they value my friendship like I value theirs. Hopefully they do, but you never know. Some people are quite two-faced and will pretend to be your absolute best friend, but talk s… about you behind your back. I hate those kinds of people. That is why I try to be completely honest with each and every one of my friends. If I think something they’re doing is morally wrong I’ll tell them my opinion, but its their choice to do anything about it.
You might think I’m that depressing kid or teen or whatever that can’t trust anyone and blah blah. But who cares, if you can’t handle the truth that some friends are not completely true friends, then you need a reality check. If that sounds rude to you, stop reading my blog. There are people who you think are loyal to you and you have complete and utter trust in, but then you find out that they simply are not who you thought they were. And that’s reality people. I’m not being pessimistic about friends, I’m just sharing my own personal experience

Honesty is super important to me, I can’t handle people who lie. Honesty is the most important quality in a friend to me. I have absolutely no respect for people who lie to me. Even if they lie about the smallest thing, I will lose seriously all respect for you. No matter who you are, lie to me and I stop trusting you and stop respecting you. Loyalty is the second most important thing to me in a friendship. Loyalty is important to me because who wants a friend that is just going to be your best friend one day then the next day ditch you and your friends for some new people. If someone is not loyal to me that would mean that they completely ignore me and their actual friends who they usually hang out with daily and who have been there since the start, for some new friends and basically never speak to you again. Someone who is not a loyal friend is someone who stops hanging out with you, stops communicating with you, and basically cuts you off from their life for who knows what reason? A friend that is not loyal is one of those people who said they would be there for you until the end, the person that starts talking s… about you behind your back. A person who you use to think was your absolute best friend but just treats you like your nothing anymore. That you never were friends before. A not loyal friend is someone who leaves you, talks about you behind your back, lies to you, hopes you fail, and just is someone you thought they would never become. And Trust, trust is the third most important thing in a friendship. Without trust, how can a friendship even strive? A friend is someone who helps you get through life and if there even when you’re at your lowest. You must trust each other in order to be true friends. Yet you must always be careful who you trust because not everyone is a true friend. There are always those people who just wanna see you crash and burn. Remember that.

What is the greatest strength of a human?

What is the greatest strength of a human?

What is the greatest strength of a human…. Well to be completely honest I have no idea. I heard once that teeth were there strongest o.o but I really don’t know. So I asked my teacher Ingur Lee. And he changed my view on what this question is really asking. His answer was that the greatest strength of a human being is intelligence and adaptability. I think that’s probably the most insightful answer there is to this question, then again he is the teacher for this class and our AP English class. So I guess for him that’s probably a seriously easy answer. So the greatest strength of a human is their intelligence. Which is obviously a fantastic answer, and I really do agree with it. My teacher is so insightful… Then again that’s his job.
Okay so. The greatest strength of a human being is his or her intelligence and our ability to adapt to different climates ect. Also the greatest strength of a human is not only that they can use their intelligence, but also because they can share their intelligence with future generations and so on. Intelligence is a human’s greatest strength because without our intelligence nothing would get done, and nothing would matter. Intelligence has affected our society in every way. From being useful in the olden days where they had to use their intelligence to survive and strive amongst the world. They had to use their intelligence to figure what food is safe to eat, where it is safe to sleep, or live. They needed to use their intelligence in so many ways just to survive. Humans has used their strength of intelligence throughout time from way back then to now where they don’t necessarily need intelligence in order to survive, but well I mean some people do. But now a days people mostly use their intelligence to invent new things. For example inventing computers, telephones, cellphones, internet, ect. All just to make life easier. All of this has come from intelligence. Intelligence has developed so many ways over the years. It has made us realize all of different ways to create things and become innovator, and also to learn to ways to survive and adapt.

With out intelligence, we seriously would not be how we are today. Intelligence is the single most important strength a human can have. It have innovated our countries in different ways  to be accustomed to our different styles of living.  With out intelligence our human race wouldn’t have survived this long, and would’ve been extinct many years ago. With intelligence, we have thrived through droughts and floods, natural disasters, ect. So many things have occurred throughout the history of time and we have survived this long because of our intelligence.