Wednesday 20 November 2013

A person’s look or clothing is more important than having good ideas to succeed. Do you agree or disagree?

A person’s look or clothing is more important than having good ideas to succeed. Do you agree or disagree?

Personally I disagree with this statement. I do not agree that a person’s look can make you succeed more than good ideas. Yeah I suppose society is corrupt and that some people may pick looks over brains, but in the long run someone with brain instead of looks will succeed. Why? Because someone’s looks change quickly and if they become ugly then they are super not useful. So brains is more important because its lasts a lot longer than looks do.
            A good appearance is of course an essential thing if you want to be looked at highly, I guess it’s just the way society has always worked. If you’re good at what you do, you’ll make a lot of money or some money, then that’s I guess when you decide to spend money on useless fashion. But that simply means that you need brains before looks. I believe if you’re good looking then I guess you could actually get quite far in life. For example modeling, but if you want to be an engineer, or a scientist, or work at a law firm or something like that, looks don’t matter. And having good ideas always gets you father. If someone believed that their looks could get them farther in life than having good ideas, I don’t know… I think that’s ridiculous to believe something like that.
            Looks I guess help you in high school and things where you strive to be popular amongst your peers, but in the “real world” where you go to work every morning, they don’t pay you because your pretty or good looking, they pay you for your ideas. Some slim balls hire the prettiest girl to help them, but most firms and other work places you get a promotion from giving your boss a really good idea, which is succeeding. And if you have no good ideas, but you have looks they might keep you around for a while but not very long.

            Having good clothing will probably get you far in the fashion industry, but to be completely honest, they look for good ideas about fashion to spread around the world, not to see if your pretty and can dress yourself. They want and pretty much every single place you will go in your life will prefer good ideas over someone’s looks or clothing. And if you are picked for your clothing or looks, you won’t last long. That is my opinion and experience on the subject.

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