Thursday 12 December 2013



What I believe about Art? Well art can be in many shapes and forms. Art can be a form of dance, to a book, to a sculpture, and so much more. Art can be a physical type of art, emotional, spiritual, ect. Even some religions are known as art, like Buddhism when you meditate. “The Art of Meditation.” Well usually when I think of art I think of painting, drawing, or sculpting, some type of picture or piece made by hand. I think of this type of art probably because I draw and paint. Whenever I feel bored or have nothing to do, which recently has been basically never I’m so busy all the time, I usually just paint or draw. Personally I like painting better because it gives you more freedom in your brush strokes and it’s a lot less precise. Whereas drawing is basically sketches of people and objects, very detailed things. Which I love to do when it’s just black and white sketching, but I like color so I prefer painting. Of course you can draw with colored pencils, but it doesn’t always give you the vibrant color you want. Because Christmas is coming up soon, my mom asked me what I might want, and so me being me, I asked for paint. I have some brushes and I have paper and things, but I don’t have a wide variety of colors. Which I would really like. So hopefully my mom gets me paints and things for my art activities that I could do over the break when I have time.

Art is not really defined as one things because it describes so many different aspect of a variety of things in the world. Art is one of those hobbies that if you’re extremely good at you could make a large profit. But most artist, or just people who like doing art in their free time like me, don’t do it for money; don’t sell their paintings. But instead we keep them. Art to me is an expression of emotions. Like how a journal or diary is used, and well I have one of those, but I am not very great with words so I like to express emotions mostly in art instead. An art piece can have so many different meanings. It could be sad, happy, death, joy, love, ect. But the important thing is that every person that looks at that piece of art can interpret it in a different way, which I think is beautiful. That in art there is no right or wrong answer. Sometimes there’s not even an answer.

Meaning of Life

What is the Meaning of Life? I really don’t understand why Mr. Lee always asks us to explain the meaning of life. I mean we are all 15, 16 or 17 years old. How in the world are we supposed to know the meaning of life when we’ve barely lived? I guess people like Mr. Lee says the meaning of life is a boiled egg or whatever in the world that might mean. It is apparently a Korean proverb or something. Yeah pretty weird…but some people might say the meaning of life is to reproduce. Like how God or something created us to have babies and continue the generation of people and civilization continue way far into the future. But personally the meaning of life isn’t just one meaning.

 There is no one meaning of life for the entire mankind. Every individual person has their own meaning of life. Someone’s meaning of life can be the complete opposite of another’s. For example, some women might believe that their meaning of life is to be faithful to their husbands and bare their husband’s children. Probably do everything for her husband, like cook, clean, ect. The typical stereotype old fashioned women. That might be some woman’s meaning of life, she may think that that is what she was brought on to this earth to do; and that’s totally acceptable. Just because one person’s meaning of life is different than your potential meaning of life, doesn’t mean that their meaning of life or yours is wrong. It simply means that each is different. Also the meaning of life can change throughout your life. Once you have grown from an adolescence to an adult your meaning of life may be completely different. But that is just because you are now living an entirely different life than you once were, which means that your definition of the meaning of life will change as well. Of course it is possible that you believe that there is only one meaning of life, but that’s your opinion. To me, it truly depends on the individual and that persons experience with life to get their meaning of life. Because two completely different people, from two completely different backgrounds can have very different versions of what the meaning of life is, or well it could also be the same. It all depends on the person’s outlook on life. If a person’s outlook on life is religious then their meaning of life will most likely have to do with God, or the Bible, or something. No offense but making one definition of the meaning of life is impossible. The meaning of life depends on whose life we’re talking about. So to say what the meaning of life is for others is impossible, its only possible to say what your meaning of life is. For me, right now, I do not know the meaning of life. And maybe I will never know. But to me, the meaning of life is not nearly as important as just living life.

What do I believe about Justice?


What is Justice? Justice can be defined in many ways. It can be defined as right ruling in case like in the Supreme Court, or it can be defined as service done to those who have been wronged. People don’t usually know how to just flat out say what justice is. Because justice isn’t one of those things that is just black and white, no one really can define justice as one thing. I’m pretty sure even if you go find a dictionary and look up the definition of justice that not everyone would agree on that definition. Justice is one of those things that tries to separate right and wrong, when in reality no one knows what is truly wrong and what is truly right. Because to face the fact no one is like how they’re perceived in movies, no one’s fully bad or evil, but no one’s completely good either.
 Justice as my teacher was talking about just a few moments ago could be just justifying why something is the way it is, or why you wear something the way you wear it. Like Decartes said, “I think; therefore, I am” So to justify why you might wear the hat the way you do you could justify it multiple ways. You can justify your reasons by saying you do it the way you do because your mom or government or authority has always made you wear it or do it. You could also justify it by saying the way you wear or do the things you do is because a majority or people do it, like a democracy, or peer pressure. Peer pressure is a really big thing when you are talking about trends or doing what you do. Because everyone wants to do what the “popular” kids are doing.
 Another way to justify the way you do something is to say it is a part of a tradition. Like how we always have a really long summer break. There really is no purpose to it anymore, but I guess the only reason we do it is because we’ve been doing it since forever. Back in the day America, or well The United States of America was one of the first places establish a public school system, but we were also the ones back in the day the ones who provided and supported Great Britain with all of its supplies. So because we had to provide Great Britain with all of its supplies in the agricultural department, The United States of America became a farming place. A place where pretty much everyone would farm. So while the students were in school it would only be the parents mending to the farms, but when the produce product picked up during the summer the children would have to go home for about two to three months to help their parents out with the crops and everything. The last way or the last way I could think of is rationality. Which I use a lot to get my point by. To use rationality just state your ways of doing the things you are doing the way you want and justify it any way possible, I think that’s the simplest way and the way that most people justify things.

What do I believe about Truth?


I believe that truth is an important aspect of life. Without truth, well no one would know what was true or not. I believe that truth is one of the most important things to build a relationship between two people or a group of people. Whether it’s being truthful to your significant other in more ways than one, or being truthful to a friend or loved one. It is the base to any strong meaningful relationship. Truth is being truthful and completely honest towards yourself or someone else. Truth is personally the most important factor in a person. If they are not truthful, then usually I would not want to be friends with or associate with those people. When someone is not truthful and lies to you, or to anyone it is hard to ever be able to trust them again. Gaining someone’s trust, like my own towards others, take months or years. Trying to obtain another person’s trust in you is one of the most validating feelings. You know that they completely trust you, and I think that that is a great thing to feel or be. I wouldn’t imagine breaking someone’s trust, it would completely and utterly destroy all that friendship. Trust as I said before, is the base to any type of relationship with a person. Once that trust has been broken it takes so very long to be able to build up and trust that person again. There is also those people who get you to trust them, that take advantage of your trust in them to hurt you, speaking from a personal point of view. That’s why trusting someone to be truthful is very hard because there is no way of telling whether someone is actually telling the truth or not.

What I believe about truth is that once you lie to someone, even if it is just once, they will question every other thing that you have ever told them and ask themselves “Was that a lie too?” Because once you lie to someone you’re ruining that trust and friendship that you once had with them. Once you lie to them there is no way of taking the lie back, no amount of ‘sorrys’ will help. I personally would much rather be told the truth instead of a lie. Like people say, “I’d rather know a horrible truth than a pretty lie.” I hate it when people stupidly think that I can't handle the truth about something. Like it's not their job to decide whether I get to know the truth, if I can handle the truth. Just tell me and let me decide. There is no point in lying to someone about something because reality is that they either already know the truth, or will find out eventually. That is why I believe so strongly in telling the truth. I hate lying, I’m not going to say I’ve never done it, but I try not to because it’s a horrible thing to do. 

How do I connect to others?

There are many ways that people connect with others. You can connect through speaking, phone calls, text messages, emailing, letters, tumblr, twitter, facebook, omegele, kik, and so many other ways you can communicate with friends, family, or just a random stranger. Personally I don’t really text much unless I need to tell someone something as soon as possible aka asap. I really only text when I really want to talk to someone, or I really need to talk to someone, but overall I don’t text many people. Phone calls? I do sometimes, I like calling better than texting because if you have met me I don’t like typing everything out, I’d much rather just say it. Calling someone is also a lot easier way to make sure a person actually got what you wanted to tell them. Another way I usually communicate with people is via twitter and via facebook. Facebook is super easy to talk to people when they’re online, but if they’re not online, then well you’re kind of screwed if you need to tell them something important. And Twitter, don’t get me wrong I love twitter, but it’s not the best network to be talking to each other on, or well not in my opinion. There are DM’s but I’m usually too lazy to check my DM box… another downside of communicating on Twitter, is that you only get a few hundred words per message, and I really don’t feel like typing, then sending, then typing again where I just left off. I’d much rather just have it in one big honking paragraph. You can also communicate with people on this messenger thing called Kik, but I don’t use it very often because my Kik is on my kindle and I don’t bring my kindle everywhere, plus you need wifi in order to be able to send your message. 
Well there’s a lot of sites out there today where you can communicate with friends, family, perfect strangers, anyone you feel like. But my favorite way of communicating with someone is talking, face to face. I know I mean that probably sounds super old school, but oh well. I’d much rather talk to someone face to face then online, or on the phone, or on skype, or on some social networking site. Face to face is way better. Because nothing comes out sounding like it’s not suppose too. Because tone is so important when talking to someone. I mean one sentence can be completely different depending on the tone of someone’s voice and facial expressions and body language/ motion. Also communication is extremely important in any type of relationship, romantic or not. For example if you don’t communicate then the other won’t know how you feel, what to do, or if you’re really good between one another. But sorry if this blog entry is super bad, I really have and had no clue what to write about, so if you really read this far, I apologize for wasting your time.

It is better to live in one city or town than to move from one place to another Do you agree or disagree?

Personally I believe that traveling the world is important, and that having your adventures in living different places is an amazing thing to do or/ and experience. But I believe that it is important to be able to live in one city or town for your childhood and then travel the world. I think that when you are an adolescence that you should only live in one place, or maybe one or two for the years of your childhood. I think it’s important to be able to call one place home that you’ve grown up to your whole life. That you’ve memorized the street names, where people live, which restaurant makes the best cheeseburgers, and so much more. It’s all those small things that people never really think about. That is what makes a place home. And that is the most important thing to have when you’re young. You need to have a stable place to live, somewhere you can say you grew up at that house, school, playground, and restaurant. Being able to live in one place for maybe 18 years may sound excruciatingly boring, but who doesn’t want that one place they can truly call home. That they can go back to when they’re all grown up and still know the place like the back of their hand. That when you walk the streets of that city or town that every corner you turn makes you remember something about it when you were younger. That you can one day, if you don’t still live there, be able to take a road trip of vacation there with your husband or wife and kids and show them where you lived. Show them the great aspects and tiny details of a place, that no tourist could think of. Be able to go back and know exactly where to go shopping, where the best beach is, what place has the best view at 6pm. So many things. Where you can go back maybe visit your parents, and your kids be able to visit a bedroom that was once you’re so long ago. And maybe to them or other people they see just a house or a bedroom, a beach or a restaurant. But no, you see scenarios that happened so long ago in that exact same spot and you can remember it like it just happened. But I believe that you should only stay in that one place for so long. Only until you grow up and head off to college, then you can leave, experience a new aspect of the world, and then after college you can travel the world… or get a job. But after you have grown up in one place, whether it is a city, town, or island, then you can finally leave and with all those memories you can go off and explore different parts of places. And if none of it works out, come back home. So overall I just believe that you should stay in one place to define a home, and then travel and move around. 

Tuesday 10 December 2013

List 10 precepts (or quotes) that you live by.

This blog is to show which quotes to live by, personally I don’t have many quotes that I absolutely die hard live by. One because most are religious, and I do not have any religious views at the moment. But I do have quotes that I think are either absolutely me, or absolutely inspiring. Those are the types of quotes I like. And here are ten of those funny, inspiring, or any other genre they might fall into quotes. I hope you like them and maybe “live” by them as well.

         1)“People don’t want to hear about your diet. Just shut up, eat your lettuce, and be sad.” – Nicole Byer (Girl Code MTV)
To be completely honest. I LOVE this quote. I would never go on a diet, I don’t know how some girls can do it. So if you’re one of those girl congrats… I think? But if you’re on a diet, tell people you’re on a diet, but don’t complain about being on one. It’s your choice to stay on the diet, so just stop talking about it and eat your organic food J
         2)“You gotta fix the inside and there’s no plastic surgery for the soul” - Jessimae Peluso (Girl Code MTV)
This quote is honest and completely true. All these girls think that being perfect and so pretty is going to make up for their personality. Well it doesn’t and if your, sorry to say, if you think that you are ugly then you cn get plastic surgery. But really theres no instant way to fix your soul. So maybe that girl may not be the prettiest, but she can get that fixed. You can’t plastic surgery for your ugly soul, only for the ugly face or body J
         3)“You will never look like the girl in the magazine. The girl in the magazine doesn’t look like the girl in the magazine.” – Jessimae Peluso (Girl Code MTV)
This is to every girl or anyone who has ever looked at a picture of a gil in a magazine and said Ï want to look like her” And yes I’ve said it before. We all wanna look perfect. Not everyone admits it, but the way I look at it; once you’ve accepted the fact that every girl wants to look like the girls in the magazines, that you can realize that no one does. It’s a fantasy to look like one of those girls. It’s good to have motivation to be a better version of yourself, but never starve or so anything that extreme just because society says no one will accept you if you don’t. Society is corrupt, so don’t listen to it all the time because they will be wrong. Get that image of perfection out of your head because it doesn’t exist.
         4) “The trouble with not having a goal is that you spend your life running up and down the field and never score.” – Bill Copeland
This is a good quote to live by because if you have nothing to aim for in life, you will never know the point when you’ve accomplished something. I wish I had a real big goal…but I don’t. I wish I had something that kept me motivated and looking forward, but right now I don’t. But I’m still looking for it. Hopefully I’ll find that inspiration someday.
         5) “Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don’t matter, and those who matter don’t mind.”- Dr. Seuss
This quote means a lot to me because it’s telling you to be yourself and not think about what people think about you because their opinion is not important. And I think it’s extremely important to be yourself no matter what anyone else says.
         6) “Life isn’t about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself.” – George Bernardshaw
This quote is good to live by because it’s telling you that you don’t need to find yourself, you need to create who you are.
         7) “Your life does not get better by chance. It gets better by change.” – Jim Rohn
I believe that this is a great quote because it shows that you can’t just wait around for someone to do something or for something to happen, if you want something done you must go out there and do it. Like my mom says all the time “Be the change you want to see in the world” If you want something to change, change it yourself don’t just wait around for it to happen because most likely it won’t or at least it would take a long time.
         8) “An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind.” – Gandhi
I like this quote because it shows that if you seek revenge there won’t be any other purpose. This quote is really close to me because it has taught that even if someone is hurting or bullying me just to let it go instead of getting revenge; because revenge won’t fix anything.
         9) “Never choose someone who needs to think twice about choosing you.” – Unknown
This is a good quote, even though well it is sort of about love. If someone has to think and second guess themselves about picking you as a friend, or a significant other then you obviously know that they’d do it again and next time they might not pick you, so don’t keep hurting yourself with the bitter hope of it all working out because it probably won’t.
         10) “Don’t let your loyalty become slavery. If they don’t appreciate what you bring to the table, then let them eat alone…” – Unknown

When I saw this quote I thought of something that happened to me not so long ago, and well it really touched me. I know that sounds really sappy, but it did. This quote taught me that if I try so hard to be good and loyal to someone but they just don’t see it, and take advantage of it, then to let it go. To stop hurting myself hoping that they will one day wake up and appreciate me, because I doubt that day will come.

What is Happiness?

            Happiness is an emotion. Happiness is the state of being happy. What is Happy? Happy is feeling or showing pleasure or contentment. Yeah. I really don’t know what to write about happiness. Happiness is something that you either have or you don’t. I guess when… yeah I have no idea how to explain happiness. But I have to try and make six hundred words out of this. So, happiness can mean many different things to a lot of different people. It depends on who you are, what you like and so many other factors. For example, some people might achieve happiness just from being able to eat a meal every day, but happiness to another person may be eating 3 gallons of ice cream at least once a week.

            Happiness is not just obtained by a specific one thing. Happiness is well as I said before is an emotion. Two people can have the exact same thing, or be doing the exact same thing; and doing that one thing can bring one person happiness and the other just be content. But its all just about the way you see things. The person who is happy with that thing has a positive outlook on it, the other person who is just content of not happy with it, simply is not looking at it with a positive outlook. Happiness is all about perspective.
For some strange reason, everyone seeks to find happiness. I guess it’s an instinct or something. I really don’t know. Happiness is easy to find, but being truly happy is nearly impossible to find. Everyone can be happy if they choose to be. I believe that being happy isn’t just simply what you have or what you get, or your attitude. Happiness is a way of life, I guess you could say.  Achieving happiness is just the way you look at things, and perceive them. I you look on life with a view of being happy, things will be happy and I guess eventually make you happy. But sometimes just being positive doesn’t achieve complete happiness. Well if everyone has an optimistic view on life then I assume that happiness would be a lot easier to achieve. But not everyone does have that kind of view on life. So even if you try to be happy always there will be some people who simply are not happy. You can have many reasons not to be happy. But even when I’m not happy for example I tell myself that soon it will be over. And not to feel bad for myself because there are people who have way worse lives. And that’s why I try to stay positive about things, because if you don’t you won’t just make yourself not happy, but others too.