How do I connect to others?

There are
many ways that people connect with others. You can connect through speaking,
phone calls, text messages, emailing, letters, tumblr, twitter, facebook,
omegele, kik, and so many other ways you can communicate with friends, family,
or just a random stranger. Personally I don’t really text much unless I need to
tell someone something as soon as possible aka asap. I really only text when I
really want to talk to someone, or I really need to talk to someone, but
overall I don’t text many people. Phone calls? I do sometimes, I like calling
better than texting because if you have met me I don’t like typing everything
out, I’d much rather just say it. Calling someone is also a lot easier way to
make sure a person actually got what you wanted to tell them. Another way I
usually communicate with people is via twitter and via facebook. Facebook is
super easy to talk to people when they’re online, but if they’re not online,
then well you’re kind of screwed if you need to tell them something important.
And Twitter, don’t get me wrong I love twitter, but it’s not the best network
to be talking to each other on, or well not in my opinion. There are DM’s but
I’m usually too lazy to check my DM box… another downside of communicating on
Twitter, is that you only get a few hundred words per message, and I really
don’t feel like typing, then sending, then typing again where I just left off.
I’d much rather just have it in one big honking paragraph. You can also
communicate with people on this messenger thing called Kik, but I don’t use it
very often because my Kik is on my kindle and I don’t bring my kindle
everywhere, plus you need wifi in order to be able to send your message.
there’s a lot of sites out there today where you can communicate with friends,
family, perfect strangers, anyone you feel like. But my favorite way of
communicating with someone is talking, face to face. I know I mean that
probably sounds super old school, but oh well. I’d much rather talk to someone
face to face then online, or on the phone, or on skype, or on some social
networking site. Face to face is way better. Because nothing comes out sounding
like it’s not suppose too. Because tone is so important when talking to
someone. I mean one sentence can be completely different depending on the tone
of someone’s voice and facial expressions and body language/ motion. Also
communication is extremely important in any type of relationship, romantic or
not. For example if you don’t communicate then the other won’t know how you
feel, what to do, or if you’re really good between one another. But sorry if
this blog entry is super bad, I really have and had no clue what to write
about, so if you really read this far, I apologize for wasting your time.
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