Tuesday, 10 December 2013

List 10 precepts (or quotes) that you live by.

This blog is to show which quotes to live by, personally I don’t have many quotes that I absolutely die hard live by. One because most are religious, and I do not have any religious views at the moment. But I do have quotes that I think are either absolutely me, or absolutely inspiring. Those are the types of quotes I like. And here are ten of those funny, inspiring, or any other genre they might fall into quotes. I hope you like them and maybe “live” by them as well.

         1)“People don’t want to hear about your diet. Just shut up, eat your lettuce, and be sad.” – Nicole Byer (Girl Code MTV)
To be completely honest. I LOVE this quote. I would never go on a diet, I don’t know how some girls can do it. So if you’re one of those girl congrats… I think? But if you’re on a diet, tell people you’re on a diet, but don’t complain about being on one. It’s your choice to stay on the diet, so just stop talking about it and eat your organic food J
         2)“You gotta fix the inside and there’s no plastic surgery for the soul” - Jessimae Peluso (Girl Code MTV)
This quote is honest and completely true. All these girls think that being perfect and so pretty is going to make up for their personality. Well it doesn’t and if your, sorry to say, if you think that you are ugly then you cn get plastic surgery. But really theres no instant way to fix your soul. So maybe that girl may not be the prettiest, but she can get that fixed. You can’t plastic surgery for your ugly soul, only for the ugly face or body J
         3)“You will never look like the girl in the magazine. The girl in the magazine doesn’t look like the girl in the magazine.” – Jessimae Peluso (Girl Code MTV)
This is to every girl or anyone who has ever looked at a picture of a gil in a magazine and said Ï want to look like her” And yes I’ve said it before. We all wanna look perfect. Not everyone admits it, but the way I look at it; once you’ve accepted the fact that every girl wants to look like the girls in the magazines, that you can realize that no one does. It’s a fantasy to look like one of those girls. It’s good to have motivation to be a better version of yourself, but never starve or so anything that extreme just because society says no one will accept you if you don’t. Society is corrupt, so don’t listen to it all the time because they will be wrong. Get that image of perfection out of your head because it doesn’t exist.
         4) “The trouble with not having a goal is that you spend your life running up and down the field and never score.” – Bill Copeland
This is a good quote to live by because if you have nothing to aim for in life, you will never know the point when you’ve accomplished something. I wish I had a real big goal…but I don’t. I wish I had something that kept me motivated and looking forward, but right now I don’t. But I’m still looking for it. Hopefully I’ll find that inspiration someday.
         5) “Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don’t matter, and those who matter don’t mind.”- Dr. Seuss
This quote means a lot to me because it’s telling you to be yourself and not think about what people think about you because their opinion is not important. And I think it’s extremely important to be yourself no matter what anyone else says.
         6) “Life isn’t about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself.” – George Bernardshaw
This quote is good to live by because it’s telling you that you don’t need to find yourself, you need to create who you are.
         7) “Your life does not get better by chance. It gets better by change.” – Jim Rohn
I believe that this is a great quote because it shows that you can’t just wait around for someone to do something or for something to happen, if you want something done you must go out there and do it. Like my mom says all the time “Be the change you want to see in the world” If you want something to change, change it yourself don’t just wait around for it to happen because most likely it won’t or at least it would take a long time.
         8) “An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind.” – Gandhi
I like this quote because it shows that if you seek revenge there won’t be any other purpose. This quote is really close to me because it has taught that even if someone is hurting or bullying me just to let it go instead of getting revenge; because revenge won’t fix anything.
         9) “Never choose someone who needs to think twice about choosing you.” – Unknown
This is a good quote, even though well it is sort of about love. If someone has to think and second guess themselves about picking you as a friend, or a significant other then you obviously know that they’d do it again and next time they might not pick you, so don’t keep hurting yourself with the bitter hope of it all working out because it probably won’t.
         10) “Don’t let your loyalty become slavery. If they don’t appreciate what you bring to the table, then let them eat alone…” – Unknown

When I saw this quote I thought of something that happened to me not so long ago, and well it really touched me. I know that sounds really sappy, but it did. This quote taught me that if I try so hard to be good and loyal to someone but they just don’t see it, and take advantage of it, then to let it go. To stop hurting myself hoping that they will one day wake up and appreciate me, because I doubt that day will come.

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