What do I believe about Truth?

I believe
that truth is an important aspect of life. Without truth, well no one would
know what was true or not. I believe that truth is one of the most important
things to build a relationship between two people or a group of people. Whether
it’s being truthful to your significant other in more ways than one, or being
truthful to a friend or loved one. It is the base to any strong meaningful
relationship. Truth is being truthful and completely honest towards yourself or
someone else. Truth is personally the most important factor in a person. If
they are not truthful, then usually I would not want to be friends with or
associate with those people. When someone is not truthful and lies to you, or
to anyone it is hard to ever be able to trust them again. Gaining someone’s
trust, like my own towards others, take months or years. Trying to obtain
another person’s trust in you is one of the most validating feelings. You know
that they completely trust you, and I think that that is a great thing to feel
or be. I wouldn’t imagine breaking someone’s trust, it would completely and
utterly destroy all that friendship. Trust as I said before, is the base to any
type of relationship with a person. Once that trust has been broken it takes so
very long to be able to build up and trust that person again. There is also
those people who get you to trust them, that take advantage of your trust in
them to hurt you, speaking from a personal point of view. That’s why trusting
someone to be truthful is very hard because there is no way of telling whether
someone is actually telling the truth or not.
What I
believe about truth is that once you lie to someone, even if it is just once,
they will question every other thing that you have ever told them and ask
themselves “Was that a lie too?” Because once you lie to someone you’re ruining
that trust and friendship that you once had with them. Once you lie to them
there is no way of taking the lie back, no amount of ‘sorrys’ will help. I
personally would much rather be told the truth instead of a lie. Like people
say, “I’d rather know a horrible truth than a pretty lie.” I hate it when people stupidly think that I can't handle the truth about something. Like it's not their job to decide whether I get to know the truth, if I can handle the truth. Just tell me and let me decide. There is no point in
lying to someone about something because reality is that they either already
know the truth, or will find out eventually. That is why I believe so strongly
in telling the truth. I hate lying, I’m not going to say I’ve never done it,
but I try not to because it’s a horrible thing to do.
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