I would have to say that my favorite trip is probably the one I took this summer. Every other year Mrs. Mili takes the freshman and sophomores who want to, to go visit Peru with her. I was luckily one of those sophomores whose parents let go on this life changing trip with her and my classmates. Everyone whose gone before my class and I has always said it was a once in a life time trip, and was life changing as well. I always knew that going to Peru was a once in a life time trip; because who gets to go to South America at the age of 16? Not that many people get the chance. But I never really understood why people said it was such a life changing trip, until I actually got the honor to go and experience it for myself. I always thought the people were just sucking up to their teachers, and trying to make their parents feel a little bit better about spending so much on just one trip. But this, this one trip, was truly a life changing experience that I am so glad I could be a part of. This trip was amazing in so many ways. Peru is not just a beautiful place to go and visit, but the people there make the experience so much better. Destino Peru 2013 was the best trip of my life.
I would have to say that one of my most favorite parts on this trip was going to the children's hospital :) I remember when Mrs. Mili first said we were going to go to a children's hospital. I thought oh this isn't going to be too much fun; but once we went into the children's hospital and saw all the kids smiling happy to see us and waving ecstatically, I started to smile and figure that this might actually be so much fun. Phalai and I got paired up to play games with a few kids. Phalai went with one boy and I went with the other. Because he spoke Spanish and I spoke mostly only English, I helped him create pictures with his blocks. I never thought such a simple task could be so rewarding to a little boy. He had a difficult time matching up each pair. So when he couldn't figure it out, I would simply point to the right block and point to where it belonged. He was a smart kid, he would then move the block to where I pointed and then rotate it to fit the picture. Even though that was basically all we were doing I was having the most fun! Each time he got it right he would smile really big, he had the cutest smile :) and then he would also try to clap his hands as an applause towards himself, yet with this he had difficulty because he had broken what seemed like his left wrist. When he completed a picture I would smile and say, "Muy bien Jose!" and clap at his success. He would then giggle and with his right hand hi-5 me. Then after a few rounds of matching the blocks Seniora told Phalai and I that we needed to switch rooms and go teach some kids to make cards.
As we got up the nurse told Jose that we were going to leave and he started to complain and get really mad. As we walked out I looked at him smiled, and waved he stood up and smiled back and waved at me. I will never forget those moments. I'm glad that on the way out of the hospital we walked back past Jose's room. He saw me and he had the biggest smile on his face and kept waving as I walked by. I wish I could have stayed.. I will never forget Jose. It was one of the most memorable times of my life.
Wednesday, 28 August 2013
Thursday, 22 August 2013
Whose knowledge should you use to solve a problem ?
Our teacher wants us to write about whether we agree or disagree with the statement: "It is better to use your knowledge and experience to solve problems than ask other people for advice." Yeah and I thought 600 words on the other topics were hard o.o I could basically write what I need to write for this in one paragraph. I don't need an entire 600 words o.o ugh. I guess I'll just start writing and hopefully reach about 600 words. Here goes nothing ! Wish me luck ... I need it ... badly. Okay so I do not agree nor disagree with the statement : "It is better to use your knowledge and experience to solve problems than ask other people for advice." I think that it is completely fine to use your own knowledge, as well ask other peoples advice on a problem. Because if you only use your knowledge and experience to solve your problems in life, you probably would not get very far. Why ? Well because if you only depend on your own knowledge on something, the knowledge you have on that one thing is only so limited. And the knowledge you may have on that one subject may be wrong, or may screw you over even more. So this is why when you need to solve a problem in life its best to have your own knowledge about that subject, but also ask others what their opinions are on that problem, and also their advice. If you agree with that persons advice then take it, but what advice you tend to take into consideration and use is completely up to you. If you completely disagree with someone else's advice then simply don't take it, but you should ALWAYS no matter what your opinion is, listen to what their advice is so you can be able to make your own rational decision. But that decision not only be based on your knowledge of the subject, but also on others advice so you can make a more logical and rational decision. Because if you encounter a problem, that you have never encountered before then you might have a hard time deciding on how to deal with the problem; but getting advice from someone who has already gone through that problem/ situation; they can give you a lot better advice then you can give to yourself.
What I think is simply that if you are in a situation where you need to fix a problem, the first thing to do is to figure out whether you know how to do whatever it is, or that you have enough experience to fix the problem on your own. But if you do not know exactly how to handle the problem, the easiest and most logical thing to do , is to ask someone else for advice on how to fix the problem. That is only my opinion though, everyone has their own opinion. So some people may think completely different from what I think, and that is totally fine. It really matters on what type of person you are , and who you are; then you can decide for yourself how you would fix this problem.
Monday, 19 August 2013
Favorite Metaphor of Love
I don't really know many metaphors for love. It's
not really something people think about all the time, I mean I guess some
people think of love 24/7. Most people, or most people I know don't think about
a metaphor for love. We all go through an English class where we have to learn
about metaphors and similes, and there uses and differences and all that, blah
blah. Most likely all of us have written a metaphor for love, but we never
really thought about it in depth. I highly doubt that its possible to write 600
boring words on a "favorite," or well for me, random, metaphor on
l - o - v - e. I mean who wants to? It sounds not only incredibly boring,
but just plain pointless. But I have to do it anyways or I will get a bad grade
and fail this class. And no offense... but who fails journalism ? So here goes
nothing. Do not judge me on my horrible choice on the metaphor on love or how I
write about it. Because frankly a 600 word blog about a metaphor of love makes
no sense. But whatever.
Another way to describe the metaphor, "love is blind," is to say that you can't always choose who you fall in love with. You may secretly love your best friend, and be too blind to realize it until they're gone. Or you could fall deeply in love with someones personality, they may be not the most attractive person, but you love them just the same because the love you feel is blind to their flaws. Everyone else may see something "horrendous" that you find completely beautiful because you're in love with them. And that love has made you blind, and that's not a bad thing :)...
... unless you marry a horse o.o
Love is blind not only between two people, but its love is blind can refer to an object or something of the sort. For example, when a girl, or boy for that matter, is in love with a pair of shoes, a watch, jewelry, or some clothes, they barely look at the price. When they would go into a store they all say, “I won’t buy anything over $20!” Then they start looking around the store and completely fall in love with this one thing. Try it on and fall more in love with how it looks that they completely forget to look at the price. Then they’ll go to the register to purchase it and ask how much. Then when the cashier says “$45 please” They think… hmm should I still get these ? Maybe not.. But they’re so cute !! I have to ! Okay J and gets out $45 and pays for the thing they so desperately wanted at the time. Then realizes later on that it definitely wasn’t worth spending that much on. Also another example is when a naturally idiotic boy, or maybe even a way idiotic girl, finds some sort of stunt that’s really cool and interesting, but seriously dangerous. And even though the stunt is incredibly dangerous the boy thrills to achieve something so cool and is totally blind that he might actually get really injured. But they’re boys, they do stupid things 24/7 so of course the danger doesn’t occur to them J
Love is blind.
Love is blind because when you love, you don't care
about anything but whatever it is that you love. For example when a girl and a
boy are "in love" they're completely blind to everything around them,
they think as if they are the only two in the world that matter. They become
blind to the point as if they refuse to see anything bad in one another. When a
boy and girl are in love, they believe that they are going to be together no
matter what. They refuse to see the facts. They refuse to see that maybe they're
not right for each other. That they won't last forever. They think that their
world revolves around the other, they're so blind to reality. They can't see
that there's more to just them, more too just that one person they might think
they're in love with.Another way to describe the metaphor, "love is blind," is to say that you can't always choose who you fall in love with. You may secretly love your best friend, and be too blind to realize it until they're gone. Or you could fall deeply in love with someones personality, they may be not the most attractive person, but you love them just the same because the love you feel is blind to their flaws. Everyone else may see something "horrendous" that you find completely beautiful because you're in love with them. And that love has made you blind, and that's not a bad thing :)...
... unless you marry a horse o.o
Love is blind not only between two people, but its love is blind can refer to an object or something of the sort. For example, when a girl, or boy for that matter, is in love with a pair of shoes, a watch, jewelry, or some clothes, they barely look at the price. When they would go into a store they all say, “I won’t buy anything over $20!” Then they start looking around the store and completely fall in love with this one thing. Try it on and fall more in love with how it looks that they completely forget to look at the price. Then they’ll go to the register to purchase it and ask how much. Then when the cashier says “$45 please” They think… hmm should I still get these ? Maybe not.. But they’re so cute !! I have to ! Okay J and gets out $45 and pays for the thing they so desperately wanted at the time. Then realizes later on that it definitely wasn’t worth spending that much on. Also another example is when a naturally idiotic boy, or maybe even a way idiotic girl, finds some sort of stunt that’s really cool and interesting, but seriously dangerous. And even though the stunt is incredibly dangerous the boy thrills to achieve something so cool and is totally blind that he might actually get really injured. But they’re boys, they do stupid things 24/7 so of course the danger doesn’t occur to them J
Sunday, 11 August 2013
Trying to Describe Myself in 600 words
Well my teacher assigns us a blog prompt every class. This week the prompt is : Describe yourself.
So, as you can figure by now if you're on my blog; my name is Nicole. Well I don't want to come off self - absorbed or selfish. Neither do I want to come off that I'm digging for compliments, but I have to write about myself or I get an F. So I will start with my physical appearance. I have blondish brown curly hair. I am skinny, but I'm really trying to get fit and not just be skinny. Why? Because there's only so much you can do when you're skinny, but when your fit and at the least semi muscular you can do more things. Also I have hazel eyes. Everyone always says that my best feature is my hair. I don't know why because I really hate it at times, it gets all frizzy and it never cooperates with me; plus I can only do a few hairstyles (which really sucks). But for some strange reason, everyone wants my hair. I also get a lot of compliments on my eyes.
I may look just pure white all American girl, but I'm not full American. My ancestors are from Finland and Russia and probably other European places, but those are the main two. My heritage is Finnish and a little bit of Russian. When people ask what ethnicity I am, I say American. Because both of my parents are from America, even though my grandparents are Finnish and Russian but have lived in the United States for most of their life. I only speak English and so do both of my parents, but my mothers parents both spoke fluent Finnish and English.
I like to do a lot of things. I like sports. My favorite sports are basket ball, volley ball and track; but out of all the sports my absolute favorite is basket ball. I may be really skinny, but I believe I'm actually good at basketball and it's super fun. Also some of my hobbies are art, reading, and writing in my personal journal. But Art to be isn't only a hobby. I feel like art is a part of me. When you find something that you can connect with and you love it and it helps you at times, it becomes a part of you. Art is a big part of my life, and if you know me, or if you're my friend you know that I love art. Hopefully when I graduate high school I will be able to still do art. Hopefully even be able to do art or have art contribute to my job or my major in college.
I also really like food. Even though I'm skinny, yes I do like food; and yes I do eat a lot. I don't really eat healthy, so don't think I'm skinny because I eat healthy. I eat junk food a lot, and you should be surprised when I eat something healthy. Haha no I'm kidding. But I eat basically all food. I've never been on a diet. And I like cupcakes, and cookies, and sweets. Another thing that I like, or well love is Austin Mahone. As you probably read in my earlier blog he is my inspiration. I use to think that there was absolutely no way that it was possible for me to achieve my dreams and goals in life. But he made me realize that if I want something to happen, then I need to keep on working for what I want. And that is what I do. I work for what I want, I try to achieve all my goals. I have hope that I can achieve my goals and that my friends can achieve theirs if they really try. I believe that you should dedicate yourself to something. If my friends need support on something I will always be there for them, I will always support and stand by their side. Of course we make fun of each other and fight sometimes. But no matter what friendship is, to me, one of the most important things out there in life.
So, as you can figure by now if you're on my blog; my name is Nicole. Well I don't want to come off self - absorbed or selfish. Neither do I want to come off that I'm digging for compliments, but I have to write about myself or I get an F. So I will start with my physical appearance. I have blondish brown curly hair. I am skinny, but I'm really trying to get fit and not just be skinny. Why? Because there's only so much you can do when you're skinny, but when your fit and at the least semi muscular you can do more things. Also I have hazel eyes. Everyone always says that my best feature is my hair. I don't know why because I really hate it at times, it gets all frizzy and it never cooperates with me; plus I can only do a few hairstyles (which really sucks). But for some strange reason, everyone wants my hair. I also get a lot of compliments on my eyes.
I may look just pure white all American girl, but I'm not full American. My ancestors are from Finland and Russia and probably other European places, but those are the main two. My heritage is Finnish and a little bit of Russian. When people ask what ethnicity I am, I say American. Because both of my parents are from America, even though my grandparents are Finnish and Russian but have lived in the United States for most of their life. I only speak English and so do both of my parents, but my mothers parents both spoke fluent Finnish and English.
I like to do a lot of things. I like sports. My favorite sports are basket ball, volley ball and track; but out of all the sports my absolute favorite is basket ball. I may be really skinny, but I believe I'm actually good at basketball and it's super fun. Also some of my hobbies are art, reading, and writing in my personal journal. But Art to be isn't only a hobby. I feel like art is a part of me. When you find something that you can connect with and you love it and it helps you at times, it becomes a part of you. Art is a big part of my life, and if you know me, or if you're my friend you know that I love art. Hopefully when I graduate high school I will be able to still do art. Hopefully even be able to do art or have art contribute to my job or my major in college.
I also really like food. Even though I'm skinny, yes I do like food; and yes I do eat a lot. I don't really eat healthy, so don't think I'm skinny because I eat healthy. I eat junk food a lot, and you should be surprised when I eat something healthy. Haha no I'm kidding. But I eat basically all food. I've never been on a diet. And I like cupcakes, and cookies, and sweets. Another thing that I like, or well love is Austin Mahone. As you probably read in my earlier blog he is my inspiration. I use to think that there was absolutely no way that it was possible for me to achieve my dreams and goals in life. But he made me realize that if I want something to happen, then I need to keep on working for what I want. And that is what I do. I work for what I want, I try to achieve all my goals. I have hope that I can achieve my goals and that my friends can achieve theirs if they really try. I believe that you should dedicate yourself to something. If my friends need support on something I will always be there for them, I will always support and stand by their side. Of course we make fun of each other and fight sometimes. But no matter what friendship is, to me, one of the most important things out there in life.
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And you've met some of my crazy friends :) |
Wednesday, 7 August 2013
New Year Resolution's
So our teacher wants us to write about our "New Year Resolutions." I've personally only ever made one New Years Resolutions in my entire life. And to be completely honest I have no idea what it was; it was when I was like 7 or something. So he said to create three resolutions. I'm horrible at making resolutions... really I am. Okay so I might as well just start.
My first Resolution is to be able to meet Austin Mahone. Everyone thinks that I'm insane or crazy for wanting to meet him. People get annoyed when I talk about him or even mention his name when I'm not talking to them; and to be completely honest it annoys ME when they tell me to shut up. I wouldn't be talking to them or anything and they just tell me to be quiet. Well, they don't understand how one guy influenced my life. Yes, he's a fantastic singer, but not only that; he cares about people. And I don't care if you think what I'm writing is stupid because just stop reading if you do. But Austin Mahone changed my life and I would LOVE to meet him. He is my inspiration. No one knows how he influenced my life and how he, even though I've never met him, is one of the only people who makes me smile when I'm down. That's all I'm going to write about Austin because this might become very long XD haha
My second resolution is to excel in school this year as my Junior year is most important. I would like to achieve the goals of getting at least A's and B's in all classes. Including my AP Lang. and AP Stats class. I will probably have a hard time with Stats because well frankly I am horrible at math... really really horrible at math. But I'm going to try my best in all classes and hopefully get a good SAT, ACT, and PSAT scores so I can get into a good college. Also I would like to pass both or at least my AP Lang Exams. Passing meaning at the VERY LEAST get a 3 and hopefully a 4 or a 5. I would like to get good grades this year and Senior year because I know that I have gotten not the VERY EXCELLENT grades but good grades , which most I'm proud of. If I do good academically this year I can most likely get into a good college. And personally I don't want to go to some Stanford, or Harvard type of school. A lot of people strive to get into a college like that, and of course it would be cool. But I wouldn't want all the extra stress. Of course in college I will be stressed and I will work very hard but schools like Harvard or Stanford are not really what I'm looking for. Maybe I'll find a good maybe even great college I can get into that actual has what I'm interested in. I'm not quite sure where, but I do know that I would like to excel my Junior and Senior years.
My third resolution is to get fit. I know already that I'm skinny, but people don't understand that skinny doesn't necessarily mean HEALTHY. You can be skinny but super unhealthy. I want to become healthy, of course I'm not going to give up cookies and sweets; but that does not mean you cannot be healthy. Being healthy is having a balance of different meals and diets and exercising to achieve the healthy "look". I want to work out and get fit, not just for a better shape, but to get stronger. To actually be able to probably win an arm wrestle XD and to also be able to have a fit body, arm muscles, abs, things like that. Also the person who inspired me to get fit is Sarah Wright :)
My first Resolution is to be able to meet Austin Mahone. Everyone thinks that I'm insane or crazy for wanting to meet him. People get annoyed when I talk about him or even mention his name when I'm not talking to them; and to be completely honest it annoys ME when they tell me to shut up. I wouldn't be talking to them or anything and they just tell me to be quiet. Well, they don't understand how one guy influenced my life. Yes, he's a fantastic singer, but not only that; he cares about people. And I don't care if you think what I'm writing is stupid because just stop reading if you do. But Austin Mahone changed my life and I would LOVE to meet him. He is my inspiration. No one knows how he influenced my life and how he, even though I've never met him, is one of the only people who makes me smile when I'm down. That's all I'm going to write about Austin because this might become very long XD haha
My second resolution is to excel in school this year as my Junior year is most important. I would like to achieve the goals of getting at least A's and B's in all classes. Including my AP Lang. and AP Stats class. I will probably have a hard time with Stats because well frankly I am horrible at math... really really horrible at math. But I'm going to try my best in all classes and hopefully get a good SAT, ACT, and PSAT scores so I can get into a good college. Also I would like to pass both or at least my AP Lang Exams. Passing meaning at the VERY LEAST get a 3 and hopefully a 4 or a 5. I would like to get good grades this year and Senior year because I know that I have gotten not the VERY EXCELLENT grades but good grades , which most I'm proud of. If I do good academically this year I can most likely get into a good college. And personally I don't want to go to some Stanford, or Harvard type of school. A lot of people strive to get into a college like that, and of course it would be cool. But I wouldn't want all the extra stress. Of course in college I will be stressed and I will work very hard but schools like Harvard or Stanford are not really what I'm looking for. Maybe I'll find a good maybe even great college I can get into that actual has what I'm interested in. I'm not quite sure where, but I do know that I would like to excel my Junior and Senior years.
My third resolution is to get fit. I know already that I'm skinny, but people don't understand that skinny doesn't necessarily mean HEALTHY. You can be skinny but super unhealthy. I want to become healthy, of course I'm not going to give up cookies and sweets; but that does not mean you cannot be healthy. Being healthy is having a balance of different meals and diets and exercising to achieve the healthy "look". I want to work out and get fit, not just for a better shape, but to get stronger. To actually be able to probably win an arm wrestle XD and to also be able to have a fit body, arm muscles, abs, things like that. Also the person who inspired me to get fit is Sarah Wright :)
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