Monday 19 August 2013

Favorite Metaphor of Love

    I don't really know many metaphors for love. It's not really something people think about all the time, I mean I guess some people think of love 24/7. Most people, or most people I know don't think about a metaphor for love. We all go through an English class where we have to learn about metaphors and similes, and there uses and differences and all that, blah blah. Most likely all of us have written a metaphor for love, but we never really thought about it in depth. I highly doubt that its possible to write 600 boring words on a "favorite," or well for me, random, metaphor on  l - o - v - e. I mean who wants to? It sounds not only incredibly boring, but just plain pointless. But I have to do it anyways or I will get a bad grade and fail this class. And no offense... but who fails journalism ? So here goes nothing. Do not judge me on my horrible choice on the metaphor on love or how I write about it. Because frankly a 600 word blog about a metaphor of love makes no sense. But whatever.

 Love is blind. 
   Love is blind because when you love, you don't care about anything but whatever it is that you love. For example when a girl and a boy are "in love" they're completely blind to everything around them, they think as if they are the only two in the world that matter. They become blind to the point as if they refuse to see anything bad in one another. When a boy and girl are in love, they believe that they are going to be together no matter what. They refuse to see the facts. They refuse to see that maybe they're not right for each other. That they won't last forever. They think that their world revolves around the other, they're so blind to reality. They can't see that there's more to just them, more too just that one person they might think they're in love with.

   Another way to describe the metaphor, "love is blind," is to say that you can't always choose who you fall in love with. You may secretly love your best friend, and be too blind to realize it until they're gone. Or you could fall deeply in love with someones personality, they may be not the most attractive person, but you love them just the same because the love you feel is blind to their flaws. Everyone else may see something "horrendous" that you find completely beautiful because you're in love with them. And that love has made you blind, and that's not a bad thing :)...

                                            ... unless you marry a horse o.o

  Love is blind not only between two people, but its love is blind can refer to an object or something of the sort. For example, when a girl, or boy for that matter, is in love with a pair of shoes, a watch, jewelry, or some clothes, they barely look at the price. When they would go into a store they all say, “I won’t buy anything over $20!” Then they start looking around the store and completely fall in love with this one thing. Try it on and fall more in love with how it looks that they completely forget to look at the price. Then they’ll go to the register to purchase it and ask how much. Then when the cashier says “$45 please” They think… hmm should I still get these ? Maybe not.. But they’re so cute !! I have to ! Okay J and gets out $45 and pays for the thing they so desperately wanted at the time. Then realizes later on that it definitely wasn’t worth spending that much on. Also another example is when a naturally idiotic boy, or maybe even a way idiotic girl, finds some sort of stunt that’s really cool and interesting, but seriously dangerous. And even though the stunt is incredibly dangerous the boy thrills to achieve something so cool and is totally blind that he might actually get really injured. But they’re boys, they do stupid things 24/7 so of course the danger doesn’t occur to them J


  1. Wow.....Sexist much? hehehehehhehehehehehehhe

  2. -____- I'm not being sexist. I'm stating a fact.
