Thursday 22 August 2013

Whose knowledge should you use to solve a problem ?


   Our teacher wants us to write about whether we agree or disagree with the statement: "It is better to use your knowledge and experience to solve problems than ask other people for advice." Yeah and I thought 600 words on the other topics were hard o.o I could basically write what I need to write for this in one paragraph. I don't need an entire 600 words o.o ugh. I guess I'll just start writing and hopefully reach about 600 words. Here goes nothing ! Wish me luck ... I need it ... badly. Okay so I do not agree nor disagree with the statement : "It is better to use your knowledge and experience to solve problems than ask other people for advice." I think that it is completely fine to use your own knowledge, as well ask other peoples advice on a problem. Because if you only use your knowledge and experience to solve your problems in life, you probably would not get very far. Why ? Well because if you only depend on your own knowledge on something, the knowledge you have on that one thing is only so limited. And the knowledge you may have on that one subject may be wrong, or may screw you over even more. So this is why when you need to solve a problem in life its best to have your own knowledge about that subject, but also ask others what their opinions are on that problem, and also their advice. If you agree with that persons advice then take it, but what advice you tend to take into consideration and use is completely up to you. If you completely disagree with someone else's advice then simply don't take it, but you should ALWAYS no matter what your opinion is, listen to what their advice is so you can be able to make your own rational decision. But that decision not only be based on your knowledge of the subject, but also on others advice so you can make a more logical and rational decision. Because if you encounter a problem, that you have never encountered before then you might have a hard time deciding on how to deal with the problem; but getting advice from someone who has already gone through that problem/ situation; they can give you a lot better advice then you can give to yourself.

   What I think is simply that if you are in a situation where you need to fix a problem, the first thing to do is to figure out whether you know how to do whatever it is, or that you have enough experience to fix the problem on your own. But if you do not know exactly how to handle the problem, the easiest and most logical thing to do , is to ask someone else for advice on how to fix the problem. That is only my opinion though, everyone has their own opinion. So some people may think completely different from what I think, and that is totally fine. It really matters on what type of person you are , and who you are; then you can decide for yourself how you would fix this problem.

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