Wednesday 7 August 2013

New Year Resolution's

So our teacher wants us to write about our "New Year Resolutions." I've personally only ever made one New Years Resolutions in my entire life. And to be completely honest I have no idea what it was; it was when I was like 7 or something. So he said to create three resolutions. I'm horrible at making resolutions... really I am. Okay so I might as well just start.
My first Resolution is to be able to meet Austin Mahone. Everyone thinks that I'm insane or crazy for wanting to meet him. People get annoyed when I talk about him or even mention his name when I'm not talking to them; and to be completely honest it annoys ME when they tell me to shut up. I wouldn't be talking to them or anything and they just tell me to be quiet. Well, they don't understand how one guy influenced my life. Yes, he's a fantastic singer, but not only that; he cares about people. And I don't care if you think what I'm writing is stupid because just stop reading if you do. But Austin Mahone changed my life and I would LOVE to meet him. He is my inspiration. No one knows how he influenced my life and how he, even though I've never met him, is one of the only people who makes me smile when I'm down. That's all I'm going to write about Austin because this might become very long XD haha
My second resolution is to excel in school this year as my Junior year is most important. I would like to achieve the goals of getting at least A's and B's in all classes. Including my AP Lang. and AP Stats class. I will probably have a hard time with Stats because well frankly I am horrible at math... really really horrible at math. But I'm going to try my best in all classes and hopefully get a good SAT, ACT, and PSAT scores so I can get into a good college.  Also I would like to pass both or at least my AP Lang Exams. Passing meaning at the VERY LEAST get a 3 and hopefully a 4 or a 5. I would like to get good grades this year and Senior year because I know that I have gotten not the VERY EXCELLENT grades but good grades , which most I'm proud of. If I do good academically this year I can most likely get into a good college. And personally I don't want to go to some Stanford, or Harvard type of school. A lot of people strive to get into a college like that, and of course it would be cool. But I wouldn't want all the extra stress. Of course in college I will be stressed and I will work very hard but schools like Harvard or Stanford are not really what I'm looking for. Maybe I'll find a good maybe even great college I can get into that actual has what I'm interested in. I'm not quite sure where, but I do know that I would like to excel my Junior and Senior years.
My third resolution is to get fit. I know already that I'm skinny, but people don't understand that skinny doesn't necessarily mean HEALTHY. You can be skinny but super unhealthy. I want to become healthy, of course I'm not going to give up cookies and sweets; but that does not mean you cannot be healthy. Being healthy is having a balance of different meals and diets and exercising to achieve the healthy "look". I want to work out and get fit, not just for a better shape, but to get stronger. To actually be able to probably win an arm wrestle XD and to also be able to have a fit body, arm muscles, abs, things like that. Also the person who inspired me to get fit is Sarah Wright :)

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