Wednesday 28 August 2013

Favorite Trip

   I would have to say that my favorite trip is probably the one I took this summer. Every other year Mrs. Mili takes the freshman and sophomores who want to, to go visit Peru with her. I was luckily one of those sophomores whose parents let go on this life changing trip with her and my classmates. Everyone whose gone before my class and I has always said it was a once in a life time trip, and was life changing as well. I always knew that going to Peru was a once in a life time trip; because who gets to go to South America at the age of 16? Not that many people get the chance. But I never really understood why people said it was such a life changing trip, until I actually got the honor to go and experience it for myself. I always thought the people were just sucking up to their teachers, and trying to make their parents feel a little bit better about spending so much on just one trip. But this, this one trip, was truly a life changing experience that I am so glad I could be a part of. This trip was amazing in so many ways. Peru is not just a beautiful place to go and visit, but the people there make the experience so much better. Destino Peru 2013 was the best trip of my life.
   I would have to say that one of my most favorite parts on this trip was going to the children's hospital :) I remember when Mrs. Mili first said we were going to go to a children's hospital. I thought oh this isn't going to be too much fun; but once we went into the children's hospital and saw all the kids smiling happy to see us and waving ecstatically, I started to smile and figure that this might actually be so much fun. Phalai and I got paired up to play games with a few kids. Phalai went with one boy and I went with the other. Because he spoke Spanish and I spoke mostly only English, I helped him create pictures with his blocks. I never thought such a simple task could be so rewarding to a little boy. He had a difficult time matching up each pair. So when he couldn't figure it out, I would simply point to the right block and point to where it belonged. He was a smart kid, he would then move the block to where I pointed and then rotate it to fit the picture. Even though that was basically all we were doing I was having the most fun! Each time he got it right he would smile really big, he had the cutest smile :) and then he would also try to clap  his hands as an applause towards himself, yet with this he had difficulty because he had broken what seemed like his left wrist. When he completed a picture I would smile and say, "Muy bien Jose!"  and clap at his success. He would then giggle and with his right hand hi-5 me. Then after a few rounds of matching the blocks Seniora told Phalai and I that we needed to switch rooms and go teach some kids to make cards.
   As we got up the nurse told Jose that we were going to leave and he started to complain and get really mad. As we walked out I looked at him smiled, and waved he stood up and smiled back and waved at me. I will never forget those moments. I'm glad that on the way out of the hospital we walked back past Jose's room. He saw me and he had the biggest smile on his face and kept waving as I walked by. I wish I could have stayed.. I will never forget Jose. It was one of the most memorable times of my life.

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