Sunday 1 September 2013


Which of the 7 sins am I most guilty of?
  There are seven deadly sins. They are: Gluttony, Pride, Greed, Lust, Sloth, Envy, and Wrath. Gluttony is similar to greed, but gluttony is the action of taking too much of something in. Pride is being too self-satisfied. Greed is wanting too much of something. Lust is the need to fulfill nonspiritual desires (not just sexual desires, but this is usually what lust is associated with.). Sloth means being too slow or lazy at doing something. Envy means jealousy; wanting to have what someone has. Wrath means vindictive anger; angry revenge. I believe that basically everyone is guilty of at least one of these sins, if not all. Most people I know are guilty of all, including myself. Of course usually no one wants to admit that they are guilty of any, but I really don’t care. I’m being completely honest. Everyone had been guilty of a sin at least once in their life. Most people are guilty of one sin more than the other sins.
  I think that I am most guilty of the sin sloth. I know that it seems typical because basically what everyone else in the class wrote about how they were guilty of being lazy as well. But when I really think about what sin I do most, I think about sloth or gluttony. Because, even for someone whose skinny, I eat loads of food XD More than my boyfriend and friends sometimes! haha. But besides eating so much I think I might burst, I am mostly just lazy. Because when it comes between the two gluttony always seems to win over XD when it comes between getting up and making myself to eat I say never mind and lay on the couch :p And then just get something to snack later when I’d be already up.
  I am most guilty of being a sloth because I am lazy in various ways :p I am lazy when it comes to about everything. I always procrastinate. Like for my homework, getting ready, or just doing something or anything. I really wish I wasn't lazy all the time so I could actually get some stuff done, but I am extremely freaking lazy. Laziness can feel good for a while but in the long run it hurts you, and hopefully I will be able to get out of the habit of being lazy, so I can achieve more things and be better at something. Instead of just sitting around because I am always so tired. And just FYI (For Your Information) Saipan International School gives a lot of homework, so I do all of that, but then I finish it at like 12 or 1 am and I'm so tired. So on the weekends I really don't do anything because I am so exhausted. My goal is to get out of being slothful, and get into the habit of being a productive worker so it’s easier in college. I know I can achieve this. I always procrastinate. Like for my homework, getting ready, or just doing something or anything. I really wish I wasn't lazy all the time so I could actually get some stuff done, but I am extremely freaking lazy. Laziness can feel good for a while but in the long run it hurts you, and hopefully I will be able to get out of the habit of being lazy, so I can achieve more things and be better at something. Instead of just sitting around because I am always so tired. I will be the opposite of all these things in college.

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