Monday, 28 October 2013

Big School or Small School?

Big School or Small School?

Personally I have no idea. I mean I’ve only ever gone to small schools, so I have no idea how a big school would be. I like small schools because well I guess you basically know everyone, so you’re never really nervous. And plus you know everyone so there is no thinking like “Do they like me? Do they even know who I am? Ect” weird things like that. Everyone knows everyone at small schools. Plus at small schools its really easy to get extra help after school or during class because with a small school, there are less people in the school, which means less people per class. With less people per class, you can then have a better relationship with your professor or teacher. And most likely the professor or teacher will also call you by name, and hopefully know every student by name. Another benefit or good thing about being in a smaller school is that it’s a lot easier to navigate your way through the hall ways and ect. In big schools it can be very easy to get lost or not know where you are going. With a small school it is better for you if you are seriously bad at directions or knowing which place to go. Plus with small schools it’s not only easier to find classes but it’s a lot smaller campus so it’s a much shorter walk between classes and other things.

But big schools are also good because with bigger schools you have a lot more options in which things you would like to do. For example there would probably be electives, unlike how at Saipan International School you are assigned all of your classes and have no choice of what to take. At bigger schools you would have electives and you could choose which different types of classes’ interest you and you would be interested in taking. Also it’s not only with classes. But with bigger schools it not only has electives, but they have a lot more extra-curricular activities. At small schools they might not have all of the sports you would want to participate in, or all the clubs you want to participate in. For example a small school like Saipan International School does not have electives available for students to choose and they have sports, but they do not have all of the extra-curricular other larger schools have. For example Marianas High School has pretty much all the extra-curricular activities that Saipan International School has, plus even more like the Glee Club and ect. Therefore I’m not exactly sure which I would be able to pick because both have their ups and downs.

What are things that I would teach and not teach to my children? How would my children do differently?

What are things that I would teach and not teach to my children? How would my children do differently?

Well I am only sixteen so I haven’t really thought of how I would raise my children in the future. I mean I have like 20 years to think about that kind of stuff! I mean of course I have thought of having kids one day, but I haven’t really thought of it in much depth. If I was to have children and to choose what to teach them and what not to teach them. I’m pretty sure I know what I would be teaching them. Personally I like the way my parents… well parent. They have taught me to be the person I am today. And I really thank them for everything they have taught me throughout the years because given everything I think I’ve turned out pretty well. My parents have taught me to be the kind of person I am today. That kind of person is the kind of person, who is quite straight up with people, and doesn’t like lying. Plus they’ve taught me to stand up for myself, my friends, and what I believe in. My parents are my role models for the kind of parent I would like to be like.
If I was to have kids of my own someday, which I really hope I will. I’ll start teaching them all the small little things then as they get older, teach them more complex things. But for now I’ll start with the simple things. Well I will teach them well how to tie their shoes, how to braid their hair, how to throw a ball, how to ride a bike, how to have fun and enjoy life. When they get a little older I’ll teach them anything that they might want to know about life. Anything that might occur in their life.
The thing I would definitely do for my kids is push them do get out there and join different activities they might like and when they find a few or one they really enjoy. I’ll support them completely on achieving the goal of theirs no matter what it might be. I will push my kids to be all that they can be. To truly portray their talent or whatever it may be that they enjoy. I will push my kids into speaking in public or joining many activities, which is quite different from myself. I wish I had someone who pushed me a little bit farther in what they thought I could be successful in. That’s what I will do differently for my kids. I’ll try to push them to be all they can be. But not to the extreme where they’re tired all the time and do not enjoy that certain activity as much.
I will also strive for my kid to join academic clubs of their choice and hope and help my kid or kids to excel in school. If not in all subject then most. And I will always try to be there when ever my kid may need me. No matter how young or old they might be. I will always be there for them. That’s what a parent should be. A parent should be that one person you can always depend on no matter what. This is why I hope to teach my kids also that lying is not a good thing, and to be open with me about any matter or problem it might be. Because that’s what I’m there for. I’m there for them whenever they might need my help. But of course when they grow older and go to college then they will hopefully be independent adults, but independent, but still in touch and visits once in a while. Lol.

Should SIS have uniforms or not?

Should SIS have uniforms or not?
I think SIS should have unicorns instead of uniforms J

No I do not think Saipan International School should have uniforms. Why you might ask? Well we are the only private high school on Saipan that does not require a uniform. Uniforms are those horrid ugly things that private schools make their students wear, so that their students can have no self-expression whatsoever. Uniforms are those strange neutral colors that are made into collared shirts and below the knee skirts and khaki pants. No offense, but seriously what was the person who invented the ‘uniform’ thinking?! Uniforms at sporting events and gatherings are seriously okay, but the school uniforms are absolutely horrendous.
Guys who don’t go to a school with uniforms think uniforms would be a fantastic idea. One because there are probably way too lazy to pick out clothes anyways haha, and plus guys think of those cute uniforms that girls would wear in movies ect. But reality is school uniforms look like ugly church outfits… if I was to be really mean and say: “They look like ugly church out fits a blind nun picked out.” School uniforms looks so depressing. I have seriously strong opinions on school uniforms because I feel as if it’s such a restraint of personality. Yes you can show your personality through what you say and how you act, but a large part of showing who you are is through how you dress and present yourself.
Uniforms not only make everyone look like such clones of one another, but it restricts children and teens into expressing themselves. Expressing yourself when you are a teenager is one of the most vital things. You must express yourself, and making students wear uniforms is just another way of showing kids that they CANT express yourself and that it’s best to fit in and not stand out. That it’s good to be just like everyone else. I think that it’s not a very good message to be sending.

That is why I am glad that Saipan International School does NOT have uniforms, they not only restrict self-expression, but uniforms also costs lots of money. School uniforms are very controversial because some people believe, like me, that they are expensive and that they restrict self-expression, but some people believe that its good because it shows that even if you don’t have a lot of money that you fit in with everyone else or something. Yeah I really don’t know. But some people are really for uniforms. Which to me is just mind boggling.

If I could bring back one person from the dead, who would he or she be and what would I serve for dinner?

If I could bring back one person from the dead, who would he or she be and what would I serve for dinner?

If I could only bring one person back from the dead, I’m pretty sure I would bring back my grandfather on my dad’s side. Of course I wish I could bring back all of my grandparents, but its only one. Which sucks because I hate picking between them because I love them all so much, and I wish I could see them again. But the reason I would pick my grandfather from my dad’s side, who was married to my grandmother Martha Edwards Arenovski, is because I never met him. My grandmother on my dad’s side I was super close to but she died in 2004. My mom’s dad and mom died a few years ago, my grandpa first and not long after so did my grandma. So I guess it’s true what they say, that when the one you are in love with dies, not long after do you pass away of heart break. I loved my grandparents on my mom’s side so much. My grandpa had a stroke so most of my life I saw him in a wheel chair, but I do remember when he was walking around and those were good memories. I wish I could bring them back too, but I can’t. On my dad’s side I only ever met my grandmother, Martha. My dad’s dad had other wives before my grandmother, but my grandmother was the one. She was the last. Before my grandpa died they had my uncle Dan, my Aunt Angie, and My dad Jim. My dad tells me great stories about him all the time. And I just smile at the fact when my dad tells stories about his dad. I always ask about my grandfather.

My parents both say that I’m like their fathers. On my mom’s side her dad always loved animals and they had tons of pets. And my grandfather would always bring home pets, which like me I love animals. I always will. And my dad tells me about how I’m like his dad, I love to cook. You see I never met my dad’s dad which I really wish I could’ve. He sounds like such a great man. But he died when my dad was just a teenager. Younger than I am now. I couldn’t imagine what my dad went through when he lost his father. I couldn’t imagine my life without my dad. My grandfather on my dad’s side, I mean I’ve seen pictures of him and heard so many stories about him and my dad working in my grandpas restaurants, but I never got to meet him. If I got the chance to bring him back I definitely would. Not just for me, so that I could meet him, but also for my dad. I know that it must mean the world to my dad if he could see his father again. And I would ask my dad what my grandfather’s favorite meal was and cook it together with my dad and my grandfather. My grandfather owned several successful restaurants, so I think it would be really fun to be able to have him my dad and I all cook a meal together. Because we never got to do that before. So those are the reasons I would bring back to life my grandfather.

Sunday, 6 October 2013

Playing computer games is a waste of time and should not be allowed. Do you agree or disagree?

Playing computer games is a waste of time and should not be allowed. Do you agree or disagree?
Playing computer games has seriously been at discussion for as long as there have even been video games. Like really? If they were such a horrible thing to the world, then there wouldn’t be any. So this discussion is seriously stupid and personally I don’t even play video games but this conversation is really getting on my nerves. I mean what is the point of arguing about these video games. If they’re such a waste of time then don’t freaking buy them. It’s so dang simple.  And I guess video games are a waste of time because they’re just like television. They serve the exact same purpose: entertainment. But as people we waste our time… all the time. I mean really, who doesn’t? I think it’s perfectly logical for someone who has been working all day, or something and just needs a break, to just simply play video games. And sorry if I’m saying video games instead of computer games because to me I really don’t see the difference. If you are insulted or whatever about me calling it a video game then well too bad. I’m calling them video games throughout this discussion. Every person no matter who you are need some time to relax. And sometimes we relax in different ways. Some watch television, while others simply watch tv or movie.
Parents don’t like videos games for several reasons. One: some of them are extremely violent or sexually inappropriate. Two: Their kids spend most of their days playing. And Three: because their kids then only want to play video games, and never go outside. But if parents have such a problem with their kids using or playing video games then why do they buy their kids video games? It seriously makes no sense. If you have such a problem with your kids playing them then don’t buy them for them. Common Sense. If you only don’t like the inappropriate video games then just make sure you don’t buy them for your kids. I mean seriously just don’t let your kids play them. If your kids spend all their time on video games, then obviously be a freaking parent and limit your kid’s time on the computer or on video games. Be a parent and boss them around. Make sure they listen to you. It’s seriously simple, just limit their time. If your kids never do anything but play video games, then make them do something other than video games. Force them to go outside and play for like an hour or two.
So yes I do believe that computer game or/ and video games are a waste of time. But I think they should be allowed. Why? Because as you read before everyone wastes their time. It’s a way for us to relax and calm down. As some people have tv, movies, or music. Some people have video games. So I guess all of them are sort of a waste of time, but they should be allowed.

Define Beauty

       Beauty can be defined in many ways. One definition of beauty is the quality or aggregation of qualities in a person or thing that give please to the sense. There are so many different definitions of beauty. It all completely depends on the person describing what it is. Everyone has their own simple or complicated definition of the word. Beauty. Beauty can refer to so many various things. For example beauty can refer to a place you always visited as a child, or a landscape near your home, or even in another country. It could refer to an object like the Eiffel Tower, or a building. Beauty can also be used as describing a human or if so an animal.
     The most ways beauty is used daily sometimes as in describing a girl or woman. Boys or men usually call girls many thing. Some labels, others compliments, and many insults. A guy could call a girl hot, sexy, ugly, attractive, pretty, weird, or beautiful. Some of these terms are derogatory, and most are used way too often. Beauty in my opinion is not a term to be thrown around and used every hour. If it is used that way, it will eventually lose its meaning. Also beauty can also be used for guys, it’s just not very common. Guys are usually called handsome. That is sort of their type of beauty. But beauty does not only refer to the external parts of someone. Beauty can be found within someone. It can be found not only on their face or the shape of their body or any of that. To me a truly beautiful person, is only sometimes beautiful on the outside; but always beautiful on the inside. I think being called beautiful really tends to boost your self-esteem because who doesn’t want to be found beautiful. Everyone at some point in their life wants to be called beautiful. In my opinion to be called a beautiful person, as in beautiful on the inside, is somewhat more of  fulfilling compliment then being called beautiful on the outside. Because you may be beautiful on the outside, but looks always fade. Your looks will never stay the same on the outside. Being beautiful on the inside shows that you are confident in yourself, but you’re not narcissistic about yourself. Being beautiful on the inside means that no matter what people do, you never judge them. That no matter how judgmental and harsh society is, you don’t let it get to you and bring you down. Being beautiful on the inside doesn’t always mean being the prettiest girl in school, the class clown, the straight A student. Being beautiful on the inside is when people can say “wow shes a good person and so understanding.” About you. When people can feel as if you ARE beautiful on the inside. And of course there is not solid definition of that. But once you’re truly beautiful on the inside. You will know.
      Beauty can be defined as a person who is pretty or anything like that. But when a person calls you beautiful they should not only be talking about your just your looks. They should be talking about your personality. If someone calls you beautiful they may mean it or they may not. You don’t really ever know. But when someone says that you are beautiful they might just mean your looks, or they could mean it on a much deeper level. It depends on who you are, and whom it is that is calling you beautiful. All in all beauty has no definite definition, it depends on your interpretation of it.

If I were to be stranded, what are the three things I would take?

What would I bring if I were stranded on an Island? Has to seriously be the oldest questions ever asked. Everyone is asked this, and if you're like me people ask you more times that you can count. When they ask you when you're little you say the cutest and weirdest things like your imaginary friends and a life long supply of candy ect. But as you get older your decisions get wiser and more rational. There are so many choices you could choose from. I mean there are stupid answers to extremely logical ones. It really all depends on the factor of what kind of person you are. I mean the things you could take could vary so greatly! But If it was me I think that I would pick the things that, in my opinion, would make most sense and make me most likely have a better chance at surviving. If I were to be stranded on an island, and I could be able to take three things out of anything in the world. I could obviously have to think hard and smart about all of this. So the first thing that I would think of bringing is a water filter. The second thing I would bring is a really hot, nice guy; aka the guy I will be in love with XD. Then the third thing I would bring is a Swiss army knife.
I would first and most importantly bring a water filter because well you will be surrounded by so much never ending water, I mean you're on an island. And water is vital. An average human can only survive about three days with no water. So what would make life 10000x simpler is to bring a water filter because then you can use it to cleanse the water before you drink it and therefore be plenty hydrated and live longer. And feel at most comfortable.

 The second thing that I would bring the guy I am in love with. At the moment I'm well only 16 so I have no clue who the guy I'm in love with is XD but for now that guy most likely would be Austin Mahone. And as you can tell Austin has already been in several of my previous blogs. But I would want a guy that I love, there not only just to keep me company so I'm not completely lonely. Is I really would need someone to talk to and laugh with. I could never just live on my own, to only hear the sound of my voice, and not be able to hear others opinions I think would make me about go insane. Literally. I really need that guy I'm in love with on that Island with me also so it would make the island a lot less bad to be deserted on. I mean who doesn't wanna be deserted on an island for a few days with the guy they're madly in love with? Haha I'm kidding. But yeah, I would want him on that island with me.
  If I was able to bring a third thing with me I think it would pretty much definitely be a Swiss army knife.I mean they're usually quite small, but extremely useful. They could cut ropes, fruit, fish, so many other things. And the pocket knife would also have a lot of other small cool gadgets within itself which I think makes the Swiss army knife very useful if you were stranded on an island.

Wednesday, 2 October 2013

My Tombstone

What do I want on my tombstone?

To be honest I’ve never really thought about what I would want on my tombstone. I mean I am only sixteen. I haven’t really thought that far into my future. Or if it even if that far into the future o.o I mean you could die whenever! You could die today, tomorrow, next week, next month, next year, in 50 years? You never know until it happens. Then well you’re dead. But I guess if I was to die now or soon then I’d probably want on my tombstone: I LOVE AUSTIN MAHONE. No, I’m kidding. But that would be a really cool thing to have on my tombstone. Well I really don’t want my tombstone to have a lot of writing, I actually want my tombstone to be really simple and not much on it but the important things.
So I guess I would like to have on my tombstone my date of birth as well as my date of death. So like April 19th, 1997 – Month Day and Year I die. Then probably like one of those regular tombstones where it says :
“Beloved daughter, wife, and mother.” Or something like that. And that’s pretty much it. And maybe a quote of me or something that is significant to me. But other than that I really have no idea what I would truly want on or near my tombstone because well ... I’m not dead yet. Or dying. And I haven’t really thought about my last moments on this earth yet. I guess we all think of dying, but no one really thinks about IF they die then or now. What they would put on their tombstone. To me it’s just not really something you think of. And isn’t it not even your choice of what to put onto your tombstone? Like isn’t it whomever cares about you or like your mom and dad or husband and children decide what to put on your tombstone? Eh , all I really want on my tombstone right now is my name, my date of birth and death and a quote or something.