Sunday 6 October 2013

Define Beauty

       Beauty can be defined in many ways. One definition of beauty is the quality or aggregation of qualities in a person or thing that give please to the sense. There are so many different definitions of beauty. It all completely depends on the person describing what it is. Everyone has their own simple or complicated definition of the word. Beauty. Beauty can refer to so many various things. For example beauty can refer to a place you always visited as a child, or a landscape near your home, or even in another country. It could refer to an object like the Eiffel Tower, or a building. Beauty can also be used as describing a human or if so an animal.
     The most ways beauty is used daily sometimes as in describing a girl or woman. Boys or men usually call girls many thing. Some labels, others compliments, and many insults. A guy could call a girl hot, sexy, ugly, attractive, pretty, weird, or beautiful. Some of these terms are derogatory, and most are used way too often. Beauty in my opinion is not a term to be thrown around and used every hour. If it is used that way, it will eventually lose its meaning. Also beauty can also be used for guys, it’s just not very common. Guys are usually called handsome. That is sort of their type of beauty. But beauty does not only refer to the external parts of someone. Beauty can be found within someone. It can be found not only on their face or the shape of their body or any of that. To me a truly beautiful person, is only sometimes beautiful on the outside; but always beautiful on the inside. I think being called beautiful really tends to boost your self-esteem because who doesn’t want to be found beautiful. Everyone at some point in their life wants to be called beautiful. In my opinion to be called a beautiful person, as in beautiful on the inside, is somewhat more of  fulfilling compliment then being called beautiful on the outside. Because you may be beautiful on the outside, but looks always fade. Your looks will never stay the same on the outside. Being beautiful on the inside shows that you are confident in yourself, but you’re not narcissistic about yourself. Being beautiful on the inside means that no matter what people do, you never judge them. That no matter how judgmental and harsh society is, you don’t let it get to you and bring you down. Being beautiful on the inside doesn’t always mean being the prettiest girl in school, the class clown, the straight A student. Being beautiful on the inside is when people can say “wow shes a good person and so understanding.” About you. When people can feel as if you ARE beautiful on the inside. And of course there is not solid definition of that. But once you’re truly beautiful on the inside. You will know.
      Beauty can be defined as a person who is pretty or anything like that. But when a person calls you beautiful they should not only be talking about your just your looks. They should be talking about your personality. If someone calls you beautiful they may mean it or they may not. You don’t really ever know. But when someone says that you are beautiful they might just mean your looks, or they could mean it on a much deeper level. It depends on who you are, and whom it is that is calling you beautiful. All in all beauty has no definite definition, it depends on your interpretation of it.

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