Sunday 6 October 2013

If I were to be stranded, what are the three things I would take?

What would I bring if I were stranded on an Island? Has to seriously be the oldest questions ever asked. Everyone is asked this, and if you're like me people ask you more times that you can count. When they ask you when you're little you say the cutest and weirdest things like your imaginary friends and a life long supply of candy ect. But as you get older your decisions get wiser and more rational. There are so many choices you could choose from. I mean there are stupid answers to extremely logical ones. It really all depends on the factor of what kind of person you are. I mean the things you could take could vary so greatly! But If it was me I think that I would pick the things that, in my opinion, would make most sense and make me most likely have a better chance at surviving. If I were to be stranded on an island, and I could be able to take three things out of anything in the world. I could obviously have to think hard and smart about all of this. So the first thing that I would think of bringing is a water filter. The second thing I would bring is a really hot, nice guy; aka the guy I will be in love with XD. Then the third thing I would bring is a Swiss army knife.
I would first and most importantly bring a water filter because well you will be surrounded by so much never ending water, I mean you're on an island. And water is vital. An average human can only survive about three days with no water. So what would make life 10000x simpler is to bring a water filter because then you can use it to cleanse the water before you drink it and therefore be plenty hydrated and live longer. And feel at most comfortable.

 The second thing that I would bring the guy I am in love with. At the moment I'm well only 16 so I have no clue who the guy I'm in love with is XD but for now that guy most likely would be Austin Mahone. And as you can tell Austin has already been in several of my previous blogs. But I would want a guy that I love, there not only just to keep me company so I'm not completely lonely. Is I really would need someone to talk to and laugh with. I could never just live on my own, to only hear the sound of my voice, and not be able to hear others opinions I think would make me about go insane. Literally. I really need that guy I'm in love with on that Island with me also so it would make the island a lot less bad to be deserted on. I mean who doesn't wanna be deserted on an island for a few days with the guy they're madly in love with? Haha I'm kidding. But yeah, I would want him on that island with me.
  If I was able to bring a third thing with me I think it would pretty much definitely be a Swiss army knife.I mean they're usually quite small, but extremely useful. They could cut ropes, fruit, fish, so many other things. And the pocket knife would also have a lot of other small cool gadgets within itself which I think makes the Swiss army knife very useful if you were stranded on an island.

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