Monday 28 October 2013

Should SIS have uniforms or not?

Should SIS have uniforms or not?
I think SIS should have unicorns instead of uniforms J

No I do not think Saipan International School should have uniforms. Why you might ask? Well we are the only private high school on Saipan that does not require a uniform. Uniforms are those horrid ugly things that private schools make their students wear, so that their students can have no self-expression whatsoever. Uniforms are those strange neutral colors that are made into collared shirts and below the knee skirts and khaki pants. No offense, but seriously what was the person who invented the ‘uniform’ thinking?! Uniforms at sporting events and gatherings are seriously okay, but the school uniforms are absolutely horrendous.
Guys who don’t go to a school with uniforms think uniforms would be a fantastic idea. One because there are probably way too lazy to pick out clothes anyways haha, and plus guys think of those cute uniforms that girls would wear in movies ect. But reality is school uniforms look like ugly church outfits… if I was to be really mean and say: “They look like ugly church out fits a blind nun picked out.” School uniforms looks so depressing. I have seriously strong opinions on school uniforms because I feel as if it’s such a restraint of personality. Yes you can show your personality through what you say and how you act, but a large part of showing who you are is through how you dress and present yourself.
Uniforms not only make everyone look like such clones of one another, but it restricts children and teens into expressing themselves. Expressing yourself when you are a teenager is one of the most vital things. You must express yourself, and making students wear uniforms is just another way of showing kids that they CANT express yourself and that it’s best to fit in and not stand out. That it’s good to be just like everyone else. I think that it’s not a very good message to be sending.

That is why I am glad that Saipan International School does NOT have uniforms, they not only restrict self-expression, but uniforms also costs lots of money. School uniforms are very controversial because some people believe, like me, that they are expensive and that they restrict self-expression, but some people believe that its good because it shows that even if you don’t have a lot of money that you fit in with everyone else or something. Yeah I really don’t know. But some people are really for uniforms. Which to me is just mind boggling.

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