Sunday 6 October 2013

Playing computer games is a waste of time and should not be allowed. Do you agree or disagree?

Playing computer games is a waste of time and should not be allowed. Do you agree or disagree?
Playing computer games has seriously been at discussion for as long as there have even been video games. Like really? If they were such a horrible thing to the world, then there wouldn’t be any. So this discussion is seriously stupid and personally I don’t even play video games but this conversation is really getting on my nerves. I mean what is the point of arguing about these video games. If they’re such a waste of time then don’t freaking buy them. It’s so dang simple.  And I guess video games are a waste of time because they’re just like television. They serve the exact same purpose: entertainment. But as people we waste our time… all the time. I mean really, who doesn’t? I think it’s perfectly logical for someone who has been working all day, or something and just needs a break, to just simply play video games. And sorry if I’m saying video games instead of computer games because to me I really don’t see the difference. If you are insulted or whatever about me calling it a video game then well too bad. I’m calling them video games throughout this discussion. Every person no matter who you are need some time to relax. And sometimes we relax in different ways. Some watch television, while others simply watch tv or movie.
Parents don’t like videos games for several reasons. One: some of them are extremely violent or sexually inappropriate. Two: Their kids spend most of their days playing. And Three: because their kids then only want to play video games, and never go outside. But if parents have such a problem with their kids using or playing video games then why do they buy their kids video games? It seriously makes no sense. If you have such a problem with your kids playing them then don’t buy them for them. Common Sense. If you only don’t like the inappropriate video games then just make sure you don’t buy them for your kids. I mean seriously just don’t let your kids play them. If your kids spend all their time on video games, then obviously be a freaking parent and limit your kid’s time on the computer or on video games. Be a parent and boss them around. Make sure they listen to you. It’s seriously simple, just limit their time. If your kids never do anything but play video games, then make them do something other than video games. Force them to go outside and play for like an hour or two.
So yes I do believe that computer game or/ and video games are a waste of time. But I think they should be allowed. Why? Because as you read before everyone wastes their time. It’s a way for us to relax and calm down. As some people have tv, movies, or music. Some people have video games. So I guess all of them are sort of a waste of time, but they should be allowed.

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