Monday 28 October 2013

What are things that I would teach and not teach to my children? How would my children do differently?

What are things that I would teach and not teach to my children? How would my children do differently?

Well I am only sixteen so I haven’t really thought of how I would raise my children in the future. I mean I have like 20 years to think about that kind of stuff! I mean of course I have thought of having kids one day, but I haven’t really thought of it in much depth. If I was to have children and to choose what to teach them and what not to teach them. I’m pretty sure I know what I would be teaching them. Personally I like the way my parents… well parent. They have taught me to be the person I am today. And I really thank them for everything they have taught me throughout the years because given everything I think I’ve turned out pretty well. My parents have taught me to be the kind of person I am today. That kind of person is the kind of person, who is quite straight up with people, and doesn’t like lying. Plus they’ve taught me to stand up for myself, my friends, and what I believe in. My parents are my role models for the kind of parent I would like to be like.
If I was to have kids of my own someday, which I really hope I will. I’ll start teaching them all the small little things then as they get older, teach them more complex things. But for now I’ll start with the simple things. Well I will teach them well how to tie their shoes, how to braid their hair, how to throw a ball, how to ride a bike, how to have fun and enjoy life. When they get a little older I’ll teach them anything that they might want to know about life. Anything that might occur in their life.
The thing I would definitely do for my kids is push them do get out there and join different activities they might like and when they find a few or one they really enjoy. I’ll support them completely on achieving the goal of theirs no matter what it might be. I will push my kids to be all that they can be. To truly portray their talent or whatever it may be that they enjoy. I will push my kids into speaking in public or joining many activities, which is quite different from myself. I wish I had someone who pushed me a little bit farther in what they thought I could be successful in. That’s what I will do differently for my kids. I’ll try to push them to be all they can be. But not to the extreme where they’re tired all the time and do not enjoy that certain activity as much.
I will also strive for my kid to join academic clubs of their choice and hope and help my kid or kids to excel in school. If not in all subject then most. And I will always try to be there when ever my kid may need me. No matter how young or old they might be. I will always be there for them. That’s what a parent should be. A parent should be that one person you can always depend on no matter what. This is why I hope to teach my kids also that lying is not a good thing, and to be open with me about any matter or problem it might be. Because that’s what I’m there for. I’m there for them whenever they might need my help. But of course when they grow older and go to college then they will hopefully be independent adults, but independent, but still in touch and visits once in a while. Lol.

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