Thursday 26 September 2013

Television vs. Telephone

The television has a greater effect on people's lives than the telephone has. Do you agree or disagree?

I disagree with this statement. So many inventions have been developed over the years and some are much more significant on our lives than others. But I do not necessarily believe that the television is more significant than the telephone. They probably have same amount of significance, or a similar amount of significance. In my opinion I think that neither of them are more significant than the other, in my opinion they have the same amount of significance. Both have very great advantages, yet both of them do have very bad disadvantages as well. The advantages of television is it broadcasts current events and news, and the television can be very educational. The television has not only current events like the news, CNN and ect. But it has the history channel and discovery channel which most shows on those channels are very educational and actually from experience help you with some of the classes you are taking. The history channel everyone thinks is super boring, but some of the shows that they have are extremely entertaining. That’s the disadvantage of television is that it can be super entertaining, which sometimes is good to relieve a little stress and relax, ect. But it also can be corrupting. For example cartoons and televised dramas have become more addicting through out the years and because they are more addicting people continue to spend a lot of their time watching these programs. Which is not good for you. It can give you head aches ect.

But I’m not saying telephones are perfect, they are not. They have their own flaws, I just believe that television has worse flaws. Telephones can be useful in emergencies and in finding out information, but texting and internet is becoming too much of a habit. Telephones are extremely essential in the fact they let us communicate with people all over the world! They also provide help in certain situations. Like in life or death situations to simple pick up and drop off plans to simple “Hey how are you?” conversations. But the telephone has become so advances there is touch screen, and internet, and games, and movies and music. There is so much you can now put onto your phone. This has become extremely unhealthy for people. Because they get all this stuff on their phones and spend pretty much all day texting, or face booking, or other social networking. And of course social networking is not a bad thing, but too much of social networking on the internet can lead to people just becoming anti social and not wanting to go out and actually do something. Just stay on their phones. Therefore I disagree that television has a greater impact on our life because both have good things to it but both also have great disadvantages as well. 

Define Success

Define Success. Well there are many different ways to define success. Not all definitions are the same. You have your own definition, your parents definition, your friends definition, your teachers definition, and "the worlds" definition. There are so many different ways to define it, we always go to a dictionary to look up a words meaning. But sometimes the meaning they have isn't always exactly how we interpret the word. Here are some examples of the definition of Success from some online sources:
From their definition of the word success is:
1. the favorable outcome of something attempted
2. the attainment of wealth, fame, etc.
3. an action, performance, etc., that is characterized by success
4. a person or thing that is successful
5. Obsolete any outcome
6. the favorable or prosperous termination of attempts or endeavors.
7. the attainment of wealth, position, honors, or the like.
The website of   
1. The favorable outcome of something attempted
The website of defines the word success as "The accomplishment of an aim or purpose, attainment of fame, wealth, or social status, a person or thing that achieves desired aims or attains fame.
   Well those are a few definitions that the internet has to offer at the moment. Yet there are so many other types of definitions for defining a word. For example my peers definition of the word could be very different from my definition. You never know until you ask. So my definition of "Success" is simply achieving ones goals and being happy once/ after you have achieved that/ those goals. People can say that "oh success is when you achieve your goals and that's basically it" well I completely disagree. If you complete your goals yet you're not happy AFTER you have achieved your goals, then did you really achieve them? To me success is being happy. You haven't conquered or accomplished anything until you are happy. Like everyone always says : Happiness is key. I guess one can say that simply achieving your goals is success, but to me who cares? Who cares if you accomplished your goals? No one but you. And that doesn't mean anything unless you're happy accomplishing or after you have accomplished your goals.
   Of course the road to achieving success is never easy and it may not make you happy in that particular moment. But in the long run if your goal is a good goal and it makes you happy than its worth it. It'll always be worth it if you know that thats what you truly want. Success is hard to get, but it's worth it

Sunday 22 September 2013

My Bucket List :

A Bucket List is a List of things you would like to do/ accomplish before you die. Here are things that I would like to try to do.
1.     Go to a Drive in Movie
2.     Go on a Cruise
3.     Go to Paris and Visit the Eiffel Tower
4.     Get Married and be a mother
5.     Go to Rome with my significant other
6.     Get my Drivers License 
7.     Go to Disney Land or Disney World
8.     Meet Austin Mahone
9.     Kiss/Date Austin Mahone
10. Go to Palau again, swim in Jelly fish lake again, go with my family.
11. Get into an Ivy league college
12. Become a successful artist, and be able to sell my paintings.
13.  Visit Australia
14. Become a model
15. Get really fit
16. Marry the person I love
17. Learn how to cook
18. Fly business class
19. Be pushed into a pool while in a dress
20. Visit Boracay
21. See a show on Broadway
22. Go to Barcelona
23. Go to France
24. Get a college degree
25. Find what my passion is
26. Open a bakery or cupcakes or cakes or cookies ect.
27. Play with a baby Tiger and pet an adult tiger with my mom
28. Hold a Kuala
29. Learn how to surf
30. Learn how to play the ukulele
31. Go to Bora Bora
32. Attend a Fashion Show
33. Visit Italy
34. Go to London
35.  Keep a Journal throughout my life.

If I were to have one super power, what would it be and why?

If I could have any super power in the ENTIRE world. omg. I would have no idea what to pick. I would want all of them <3 Super powers seem so cool. And how in the world could you just pick ONE. There are so many different powers to choose from: Super strength, Speed, Durability, Agility/reflexes, Healing/regeneration, Super senses, Sight/hearing/smell/taste/touch, Sensing danger (spider-sense), Sensing other types of events (dishonesty, murder, etc.), The ability to remove senses (like inflicting blindness, etc.), Longevity/immortality, invisibility, Healing, Water Breathing, Mind Control, flying, Omnilinguilism (ability to understand any form of language.) Omniligulism means you then could around the world and never have to worry about a language barrier if you had this superpower. Plus, you’d understand and get an A+ in every language class. There are so many random, and different, and unique super powers to pick from. Oh my gosh. I wouldn’t be able to choose ! Ugh I wish I could only have to write 300 words instead of 600. Its seriously ridiculous -.- If there was such thing I would wish for the power to be an excellent writer and a fast one at that. Because seriously these Journalism classes are so very tedious. But there is no such thing . Which depresses me. This class is kind of depressing. Writing six hundred words on a very irrelevant question or statement. BORING. I mean really . So I guess I should get back to the actual subject/ topic here. Okay well. Super Power… I think I would choose the super power to read/control peoples minds J

Why I choose this super power ? One : It’s a seriously cool and bad A super power ! And two I would love to know what everyones thinking about XD haha and they would never even know that I knew what they were thinking ! Plus I could tell when someone likes, hates, or despises me and for what reason. What people really think about certain situations. I think it would be amazing to be able to read anyones mind, yes it is sort of an invasive power. But SO?! I think it’d be a fun power to have. An very useful ! You would get peoples true opinions instead of some lie. Plus I hate liars so it would be a good way of telling if someone is lying J !! Also the second part of the super power : being able to control ones mind ! I mean how cool would that be ! <3 And of course I’m not going to use it very often , but what if you were in a life or death situation , a robbery, or something of that matter XD haha and maybe I could compel someone to give me a free round trip ticket to see Austin <3 Haha I’m joking.. sort of. But yeah that is what I would want my super power to be if I ever had one !

Tuesday 17 September 2013

Should SIS allow students to use cell phones during the school day or not?

I think that students definitely should have the right to use their cell phones during the school day. It only makes sense for them to. I believe students should have the right to use their cell phones during the school day because cell phones are not only a part of a persons everyday life, but because technology is advancing into where someday we will use only electronics in a class room, and also cell phones are given to us for an important reason. All teachers think that all students use their phones for Facebook and other socializing networks only. Yeah well newsflash to all of you who think that. There IS a logical reason we as teenagers need phones. Our parents try to buy us the nicest ( if they can ) phones because the want us to have it with us 24/7, and not leave it at home one day when we really might need it. Not to text our friends or go on social networking sites, but to be able to communicate with our parents when they need to contact us at ANY time of the day, this is WHY they bought us phones. The usage of phones for everyday life is so we can feel protected, but not only us; but that our parents can feel a little ease knowing that their child is just a phone call or a text away if an emergency happens.
Phones should be allowed to be used during school days because what if the student needs to order lunch? Or arrange a ride home? Talk to their parents? There’s a lot of things students can use their phone for. But to be limited during the school day and during classes is acceptable, but to be punished for using it. That’s ridiculous. It is okay to put restriction on phone use during class because it may be a distraction if someone’s texting or playing games. But to just have it out on the table doesn't hurt anyone. Plus I understand the teachers concern that we’ll use it to our advantage or something, but during a class different teachers can have different rules on phone use. Depending on the type of teacher.

In class is a whole new scenario then outside of class. I believe it is perfectly fine to be having your phone out, or using your phone during the break, lunch, or between classes. It does no body any harm because it is not distracting you from any classes and it’s not disturbing anyone. I think it is totally ridiculous that we get detention AND confiscated for having our phone out in the hall way or even if our phone just beeps or rings in class. It’s completely ridiculous. SIS seriously needs to change its rules on that. Maybe IN class no phones out, but between classes, break, and lunch ? I think that’s acceptable. 

What are the three things that will make my life perfect?

Well first off I’d like to point out that there is no such thing as perfection. “The grass is always greener on the other side.” So you might think something or someone is perfect, but once you get it; you may want something completely different. But picking three things out of ANY thing in the world… hmm. Now that might be hard for some. Including me. But I do know a few things that might make my life semi – “perfect”. Obviously the first thing that would make my, or pretty much anyone else’s life pretty much perfect is to be extremely naturally smart. And basically know everything about everything or be able to memorize a lot really easily and to be a great writer, and be good at math as well. If I could be extremely naturally smart then when I studied and take tests then I would do a lot better and the subjects would be a lot easier for me. Also with being naturally smart I could get great SAT and ACT scores as well as PSAT scores. Then of course apply to the top schools and I could have a good chance of getting in J If I could do that then my college like and financial aid is pretty much set. And with being naturally smart you could get all 4 or 5 on all of the AP tests.

Well the second thing that would make my life pretty much as close as perfect as it could be is being extremely talented when it came into the area of preforming. Like dancing and singing and acting. If I had flawless grades plus mad skills in preforming I would do pretty well for myself in college. And there’s so many opportunities to be a dancer or some performer and it would be amazing to be a part of one of those things. I suck at pretty much all of them and I would like to be better for personal reasons XD and also because I want to be able to perform and not be as nervous as I usually am.

The third thing I would make my life perfect would probably be Austin Mahone concert tickets (and plural). Why? Because I’m a huge fan and I really don’t know what else to write about :P. Then I could meet Austin and show him how smart I am and how talented, then maybe he’ll like me J haha Sorry I really have no clue what to write about.  But if I went to an Austin Mahone concert I’d be really super happy XD and maybe that MIGHT make my life semi perfect. But perfection doesn’t exist so might as well be happy than perfect. Because if you keep striving for perfection you’ll never truly be happy. Why ? Because you’re reaching for an unreachable goal.

Sunday 15 September 2013

In the past people were friendlier than we are today. Do you agree or disagree?

In the past people were friendlier than we are today. Do you agree or disagree?

I don’t agree nor disagree with this statement. I think that it’s impossible to determine whether people were friendlier in the past than they are today because of several things. I mean one, define past. When am I supposed to compare? 1420’s? 1500’s? 1950’s? 1980’s? 2000? Yesterday? I mean past could be ANY time before the present is the past! There is no certain way of determining whether people were nicer or not because we do not know which time age or frame the question/ prompt is referring to. Another thing that makes this prompt nearly impossible to write about is WHERE? Where is this prompt talking about? American then and now? Saipan then and now? Asia then and now? I mean seriously. This is way too broad of a topic. Another thing is if it’s talking about what I am going to refer to, then there is no real way of going back that far in the past and experiencing for yourself if people were nicer back then or today? And not all people act the same. So personally this is a totally ridiculous topic to be writing about. But my teacher says we have to write about it, so that’s what I sadly have to do. I hate it. So what I’m basically thinking about when given this prompt was thinking back to the time of racism and a little before the Civil War and things like that. I mean I guess you could say that people back then were nice and they were just racist because that was how they were raised to be. But even though they were racist I wouldn’t necessarily refer to us, people who live in the present, any better or nicer than the people in that era. Why you might ask? Because we have changed dramatically, but in some ways haven’t changed at all. America is afraid of change, or well most of it is. The reason I say this is because even though America is now mostly equal racially, we are still not equal with everything. For example gay rights. First it was woman suffrage, when woman had to fight so hard to even try to become semi- equals to men. Then after woman suffrage was the Civil War which brought most of an end to slavery and when people fought, and died for what they believed in. And now its gay rights. Should they even be equal to us because they don’t love the opposite sex? What in the world is that! Why is it even a question? It’s just like racism, not wanting them to have equal rights because of their skin color, a factor might I add, that is not a choice but is hereditary. Like gay marriage. It should not even be a question to be able to marry the one you love, no matter what sex they are. So I do not think that people then nor people now are any nicer. It really just depends on all the variables. So technically it is impossible to have a flawless argument with either side you chose to defend. So yeah. That’s what I believe and what we had to write about. Boring, but mandatory.


Monday 2 September 2013

Favorite Superhero

  Who is my favorite superhero? Okay to be perfectly honest, I have no idea. I am not be sexist, but simply stating a fact: Girls when they're young don't think of who their favorite superhero is, they think about princesses and princes in story books and in movies; and even think about barbie dolls. Girls when they're growing up generally don't think of who their ideal superhero is. That is mostly for boys. Boys when they're little on the other hand, do think about their favorite superhero. They think about being superheros like Super Man or Spider Man or Iron Man or someone else from the Marvel Industries of super heroes. For example, for Halloween girls dress up as princesses, where as boys dress up their favorite superhero. Girls usually do not. For this example I really have no clue who my favorite superhero.

 I think Iron Man is pretty cool. I mean he saves people, he's rich and falls in love with a girl who works for him, and all that yada stuff. But in the end I think its pretty cool how he has to depend on the glowing thing in his chest. girls when they're young don't think of who their favorite superhero is, they think about princesses and princes in story books and in movies; and even think about barbie dolls. girls when they're growing up generally don't think of who their ideal superhero is. That is mostly for boys. boys when they're little on the other hand, do think about their favorite superhero. They think about being superheros like Super Man or Spider Man or Iron Man or someone else from the Marvel Industries of super heroes. For example, for Halloween girls dress up as princesses, where as boys dress up their favorite superhero. Girls usually do not. For this example I really have no clue who my favorite superhero.

Maybe even Super Man from Small ville. Clark Kent. I think it's cool how he crashed in a field and theres all this kryptonite that got into peoples blood and now their like all bad and evil and stuff. Yet its his weakness but he has to fight all of them. And with all of this still going on he is dealing with his high school life and girls and like everything like that. And additional to all of that he has to deal with hiding his secret from everyone he knows except for his parents. Then later in the season more people find out and it gets really exciting. Not sure if he's my favorite super hero. But definitely a good television show.

Sunday 1 September 2013


Which of the 7 sins am I most guilty of?
  There are seven deadly sins. They are: Gluttony, Pride, Greed, Lust, Sloth, Envy, and Wrath. Gluttony is similar to greed, but gluttony is the action of taking too much of something in. Pride is being too self-satisfied. Greed is wanting too much of something. Lust is the need to fulfill nonspiritual desires (not just sexual desires, but this is usually what lust is associated with.). Sloth means being too slow or lazy at doing something. Envy means jealousy; wanting to have what someone has. Wrath means vindictive anger; angry revenge. I believe that basically everyone is guilty of at least one of these sins, if not all. Most people I know are guilty of all, including myself. Of course usually no one wants to admit that they are guilty of any, but I really don’t care. I’m being completely honest. Everyone had been guilty of a sin at least once in their life. Most people are guilty of one sin more than the other sins.
  I think that I am most guilty of the sin sloth. I know that it seems typical because basically what everyone else in the class wrote about how they were guilty of being lazy as well. But when I really think about what sin I do most, I think about sloth or gluttony. Because, even for someone whose skinny, I eat loads of food XD More than my boyfriend and friends sometimes! haha. But besides eating so much I think I might burst, I am mostly just lazy. Because when it comes between the two gluttony always seems to win over XD when it comes between getting up and making myself to eat I say never mind and lay on the couch :p And then just get something to snack later when I’d be already up.
  I am most guilty of being a sloth because I am lazy in various ways :p I am lazy when it comes to about everything. I always procrastinate. Like for my homework, getting ready, or just doing something or anything. I really wish I wasn't lazy all the time so I could actually get some stuff done, but I am extremely freaking lazy. Laziness can feel good for a while but in the long run it hurts you, and hopefully I will be able to get out of the habit of being lazy, so I can achieve more things and be better at something. Instead of just sitting around because I am always so tired. And just FYI (For Your Information) Saipan International School gives a lot of homework, so I do all of that, but then I finish it at like 12 or 1 am and I'm so tired. So on the weekends I really don't do anything because I am so exhausted. My goal is to get out of being slothful, and get into the habit of being a productive worker so it’s easier in college. I know I can achieve this. I always procrastinate. Like for my homework, getting ready, or just doing something or anything. I really wish I wasn't lazy all the time so I could actually get some stuff done, but I am extremely freaking lazy. Laziness can feel good for a while but in the long run it hurts you, and hopefully I will be able to get out of the habit of being lazy, so I can achieve more things and be better at something. Instead of just sitting around because I am always so tired. I will be the opposite of all these things in college.