Tuesday 17 September 2013

Should SIS allow students to use cell phones during the school day or not?

I think that students definitely should have the right to use their cell phones during the school day. It only makes sense for them to. I believe students should have the right to use their cell phones during the school day because cell phones are not only a part of a persons everyday life, but because technology is advancing into where someday we will use only electronics in a class room, and also cell phones are given to us for an important reason. All teachers think that all students use their phones for Facebook and other socializing networks only. Yeah well newsflash to all of you who think that. There IS a logical reason we as teenagers need phones. Our parents try to buy us the nicest ( if they can ) phones because the want us to have it with us 24/7, and not leave it at home one day when we really might need it. Not to text our friends or go on social networking sites, but to be able to communicate with our parents when they need to contact us at ANY time of the day, this is WHY they bought us phones. The usage of phones for everyday life is so we can feel protected, but not only us; but that our parents can feel a little ease knowing that their child is just a phone call or a text away if an emergency happens.
Phones should be allowed to be used during school days because what if the student needs to order lunch? Or arrange a ride home? Talk to their parents? There’s a lot of things students can use their phone for. But to be limited during the school day and during classes is acceptable, but to be punished for using it. That’s ridiculous. It is okay to put restriction on phone use during class because it may be a distraction if someone’s texting or playing games. But to just have it out on the table doesn't hurt anyone. Plus I understand the teachers concern that we’ll use it to our advantage or something, but during a class different teachers can have different rules on phone use. Depending on the type of teacher.

In class is a whole new scenario then outside of class. I believe it is perfectly fine to be having your phone out, or using your phone during the break, lunch, or between classes. It does no body any harm because it is not distracting you from any classes and it’s not disturbing anyone. I think it is totally ridiculous that we get detention AND confiscated for having our phone out in the hall way or even if our phone just beeps or rings in class. It’s completely ridiculous. SIS seriously needs to change its rules on that. Maybe IN class no phones out, but between classes, break, and lunch ? I think that’s acceptable. 

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