Thursday 26 September 2013

Television vs. Telephone

The television has a greater effect on people's lives than the telephone has. Do you agree or disagree?

I disagree with this statement. So many inventions have been developed over the years and some are much more significant on our lives than others. But I do not necessarily believe that the television is more significant than the telephone. They probably have same amount of significance, or a similar amount of significance. In my opinion I think that neither of them are more significant than the other, in my opinion they have the same amount of significance. Both have very great advantages, yet both of them do have very bad disadvantages as well. The advantages of television is it broadcasts current events and news, and the television can be very educational. The television has not only current events like the news, CNN and ect. But it has the history channel and discovery channel which most shows on those channels are very educational and actually from experience help you with some of the classes you are taking. The history channel everyone thinks is super boring, but some of the shows that they have are extremely entertaining. That’s the disadvantage of television is that it can be super entertaining, which sometimes is good to relieve a little stress and relax, ect. But it also can be corrupting. For example cartoons and televised dramas have become more addicting through out the years and because they are more addicting people continue to spend a lot of their time watching these programs. Which is not good for you. It can give you head aches ect.

But I’m not saying telephones are perfect, they are not. They have their own flaws, I just believe that television has worse flaws. Telephones can be useful in emergencies and in finding out information, but texting and internet is becoming too much of a habit. Telephones are extremely essential in the fact they let us communicate with people all over the world! They also provide help in certain situations. Like in life or death situations to simple pick up and drop off plans to simple “Hey how are you?” conversations. But the telephone has become so advances there is touch screen, and internet, and games, and movies and music. There is so much you can now put onto your phone. This has become extremely unhealthy for people. Because they get all this stuff on their phones and spend pretty much all day texting, or face booking, or other social networking. And of course social networking is not a bad thing, but too much of social networking on the internet can lead to people just becoming anti social and not wanting to go out and actually do something. Just stay on their phones. Therefore I disagree that television has a greater impact on our life because both have good things to it but both also have great disadvantages as well. 

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