Thursday 26 September 2013

Define Success

Define Success. Well there are many different ways to define success. Not all definitions are the same. You have your own definition, your parents definition, your friends definition, your teachers definition, and "the worlds" definition. There are so many different ways to define it, we always go to a dictionary to look up a words meaning. But sometimes the meaning they have isn't always exactly how we interpret the word. Here are some examples of the definition of Success from some online sources:
From their definition of the word success is:
1. the favorable outcome of something attempted
2. the attainment of wealth, fame, etc.
3. an action, performance, etc., that is characterized by success
4. a person or thing that is successful
5. Obsolete any outcome
6. the favorable or prosperous termination of attempts or endeavors.
7. the attainment of wealth, position, honors, or the like.
The website of   
1. The favorable outcome of something attempted
The website of defines the word success as "The accomplishment of an aim or purpose, attainment of fame, wealth, or social status, a person or thing that achieves desired aims or attains fame.
   Well those are a few definitions that the internet has to offer at the moment. Yet there are so many other types of definitions for defining a word. For example my peers definition of the word could be very different from my definition. You never know until you ask. So my definition of "Success" is simply achieving ones goals and being happy once/ after you have achieved that/ those goals. People can say that "oh success is when you achieve your goals and that's basically it" well I completely disagree. If you complete your goals yet you're not happy AFTER you have achieved your goals, then did you really achieve them? To me success is being happy. You haven't conquered or accomplished anything until you are happy. Like everyone always says : Happiness is key. I guess one can say that simply achieving your goals is success, but to me who cares? Who cares if you accomplished your goals? No one but you. And that doesn't mean anything unless you're happy accomplishing or after you have accomplished your goals.
   Of course the road to achieving success is never easy and it may not make you happy in that particular moment. But in the long run if your goal is a good goal and it makes you happy than its worth it. It'll always be worth it if you know that thats what you truly want. Success is hard to get, but it's worth it

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