Monday 2 September 2013

Favorite Superhero

  Who is my favorite superhero? Okay to be perfectly honest, I have no idea. I am not be sexist, but simply stating a fact: Girls when they're young don't think of who their favorite superhero is, they think about princesses and princes in story books and in movies; and even think about barbie dolls. Girls when they're growing up generally don't think of who their ideal superhero is. That is mostly for boys. Boys when they're little on the other hand, do think about their favorite superhero. They think about being superheros like Super Man or Spider Man or Iron Man or someone else from the Marvel Industries of super heroes. For example, for Halloween girls dress up as princesses, where as boys dress up their favorite superhero. Girls usually do not. For this example I really have no clue who my favorite superhero.

 I think Iron Man is pretty cool. I mean he saves people, he's rich and falls in love with a girl who works for him, and all that yada stuff. But in the end I think its pretty cool how he has to depend on the glowing thing in his chest. girls when they're young don't think of who their favorite superhero is, they think about princesses and princes in story books and in movies; and even think about barbie dolls. girls when they're growing up generally don't think of who their ideal superhero is. That is mostly for boys. boys when they're little on the other hand, do think about their favorite superhero. They think about being superheros like Super Man or Spider Man or Iron Man or someone else from the Marvel Industries of super heroes. For example, for Halloween girls dress up as princesses, where as boys dress up their favorite superhero. Girls usually do not. For this example I really have no clue who my favorite superhero.

Maybe even Super Man from Small ville. Clark Kent. I think it's cool how he crashed in a field and theres all this kryptonite that got into peoples blood and now their like all bad and evil and stuff. Yet its his weakness but he has to fight all of them. And with all of this still going on he is dealing with his high school life and girls and like everything like that. And additional to all of that he has to deal with hiding his secret from everyone he knows except for his parents. Then later in the season more people find out and it gets really exciting. Not sure if he's my favorite super hero. But definitely a good television show.

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