Sunday 22 September 2013

If I were to have one super power, what would it be and why?

If I could have any super power in the ENTIRE world. omg. I would have no idea what to pick. I would want all of them <3 Super powers seem so cool. And how in the world could you just pick ONE. There are so many different powers to choose from: Super strength, Speed, Durability, Agility/reflexes, Healing/regeneration, Super senses, Sight/hearing/smell/taste/touch, Sensing danger (spider-sense), Sensing other types of events (dishonesty, murder, etc.), The ability to remove senses (like inflicting blindness, etc.), Longevity/immortality, invisibility, Healing, Water Breathing, Mind Control, flying, Omnilinguilism (ability to understand any form of language.) Omniligulism means you then could around the world and never have to worry about a language barrier if you had this superpower. Plus, you’d understand and get an A+ in every language class. There are so many random, and different, and unique super powers to pick from. Oh my gosh. I wouldn’t be able to choose ! Ugh I wish I could only have to write 300 words instead of 600. Its seriously ridiculous -.- If there was such thing I would wish for the power to be an excellent writer and a fast one at that. Because seriously these Journalism classes are so very tedious. But there is no such thing . Which depresses me. This class is kind of depressing. Writing six hundred words on a very irrelevant question or statement. BORING. I mean really . So I guess I should get back to the actual subject/ topic here. Okay well. Super Power… I think I would choose the super power to read/control peoples minds J

Why I choose this super power ? One : It’s a seriously cool and bad A super power ! And two I would love to know what everyones thinking about XD haha and they would never even know that I knew what they were thinking ! Plus I could tell when someone likes, hates, or despises me and for what reason. What people really think about certain situations. I think it would be amazing to be able to read anyones mind, yes it is sort of an invasive power. But SO?! I think it’d be a fun power to have. An very useful ! You would get peoples true opinions instead of some lie. Plus I hate liars so it would be a good way of telling if someone is lying J !! Also the second part of the super power : being able to control ones mind ! I mean how cool would that be ! <3 And of course I’m not going to use it very often , but what if you were in a life or death situation , a robbery, or something of that matter XD haha and maybe I could compel someone to give me a free round trip ticket to see Austin <3 Haha I’m joking.. sort of. But yeah that is what I would want my super power to be if I ever had one !

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